I havn't gotten a surgery date but I do have alot of questions

I have decided to get wls (ryn) I am in the middle of testing and loosing the required 10% wt before surgery, I some times feel frustrated because I cant loose the requierd wt as quickly as I'd like (but I am determined to do it) does any one have sugestions? Also I know I am obese but I am rather healthy and don't take but a couple of meds for reflux, what is the med list look like after surgery, is it as crazy as I have heard?Please help!!!!    — elizabethgc (posted on December 19, 2007)

December 18, 2007
Liz, First, I would recommend going on a liquid diet for a week or two. My surgeon requires it prior to's full liquids (pudding, jello, broth, juice, water, popsicles and applesauce) and about 1000 calories a day - drink as much as you want, basically. I know women who have lost 20+ lbs doing this. It sucks, it's hard...but if you can do it; you will have a much better transition after surgery AND lose some weight in the process. Two - regarding taking a bunch o vitamins. Yes. You will. I was like you - was only taking one or two pills (birth control and something for my stomach - GERD, etc.), now I take 4-6 a day. Depends if I take my b12 and if I need to take more calcium in a day. In the beginning when you are getting NOTHING from your food - as you are not eating food - you will take quite a few - yes. Chewable until around 4 weeks or so. I just see it as keeping myself healthy and happy AND I really don't consider them "pills" - I think of them as "supplements" and some how that makes it better. LOL. Good luck.
   — jammerz

December 18, 2007
I had RNY in May 2006. Do some type of daily exercise in an effort to loose the weight prior to surgery. Try limiting portion size, stay away from snack foods (chips, cookies, popcorn, sodas, etc.) and eat high protein foods, limit carbs, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. The protein drinks will help you feel better also. I use the Iso Pure brand from GNC or Rite-Aid and those have no carbs and very little (if any) surgars--depends on flavor. Meds list should be smaller a few weeks past surgery--that is prescripton meds will be lessened as your health improves. The ONLY THING extra you need past surgery is to take vitamins and calcium citrate for the remainder of your life. Most people who have acid reflux do not have the problem after surgery. The information I'm sharing is mine and those that I've talked to at bariatric surgery support groups. You may want to attend some of those meetings to help you in this process.
   — Dave Chambers

December 18, 2007
I take 5 different vitamins. I just leave them on my desk and take them through out the day. It is not that bad that way.
   — Carlyn M.

December 19, 2007
Right after surgery it all you are taking plus pain medication, and potassium. They might give you something additional for stomach acid. Other than that I take chewable mutable vitamins twice a day, Chewable Iron once a day and Cheatable Calcium twice a day. In less than a month I dropped off 5 Diabetic drugs. Watch your BMI. I heard that Insurance companies push you to loose 10 % but will not approve the surgery as soon as you are below 40 BMI.
   — William (Bill) wmil

December 19, 2007
It depends on your surgeon and what they recommend as far as vitamins. I take 1 regular centrum, 2 chewable calcium, 1 b-12 each day for my recommended. (I am one of the lucky few that absorbs everything from a regular centrum, you will probably be different). Try different things and have blood tests after being on a new vitamin for a week to see what works for you. I also take 2 capsules of 5000 mcg of biotin to help with re-growth from slight hair loss. (I had super thick hair before surgery and my hair started thining out at about 3 1/2 months out). I did take my recommended amount of protein each day, but was one of the unfortunate that still had some hair loss anyway.
   — crystalsno

December 19, 2007
I found it easiest to go on the Dr. Atkins diet. It helps you to adjust to your up coming protein based diet. Also start pushing fluids. You will find that the more you drink the thirstier you get. Congratulations !
   — Christine M.

December 19, 2007
Everyone is going to give you a different answer based for diet. However, my personal suggestion is don't do something major and drasticly stupid. If you with hold something from yourself you are just going to crave it and thus you are going to eat something else until you finally give in and eat what you really wanted to begin with. SO, the whole point is finding a substitute and the surgery to limit the quantity. I agree with the adkins thing you are going to have to seriously up the protein. That's always going to be a huge issue. I would also suggest using more veggies. Lots of salads with light dressing or a vinigarette. If you like Chinese food a cheap high protein lower calorie option is a pint of hot and sour soup. Obvously after surgery you'll be able to eat that for a week, but it is FULL of protein. Go to it's a great tool for keeping track of your exercise and caloric intake. As far as the supliments go initally it seems overwhelming but after a few weeks it gets better. Ask for help that's what we're here for. But seriously as far as before you have a surgery date diet I know it seems like you have a mountain to climb, but if you start walking up that mountain and you take it one step at a time rather then looking at the great big mountain it doesn't seem so bad. Don't with hold anything but don't eat a whole bag of cookies either. Get the sugar out of the house, and cook rather then going out to eat. If you are going to go out to eat get something that is a healthier option. You can do this. And you'll be a long termer like me who has to gain weight to look normal.
   — EmtEeyore

December 19, 2007
I had my surgery in August of 2006 and was obese but healthy. Was on no meds what so ever. I now take two calcium and two multi-vit a day and that is it. It is not bad at all! I will take the pills over the weight any day of the week. Happy Weight Loss!
   — Lost4Ever

December 21, 2007
I am 4 years post op & take one multi-vitamin a day & get a b-12 shot from my pcp once a month. I reseached in depth taking something for the hair loss & it was all just based on opinions, nothing seems to be a sure thing to stop it or make it grow back faster, my hair started to thin at about 3 months out & camer right back about 3 months later (I forget what I took that was suppossed to prevent it, it didn't work anyhow) was nothing that anyone noticed but me. Your body can only absorb so many vitamins so taking alot never made a difference in the way I felt or any of my bloodwork (I use to take the calcium, the b-12 sublinguals, extra iron, all that jazz)...., but like I said, I now take ONE daily multi-vitamin.
   — heatherb

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