Have no energy
I wanted to know anyone out there that has had the DS surgery, if you experience any issues with being malnutrition?? I will be 2yrs post-op Dec 5th 2007, I have lost 237 pds, I started at 383, I am currently 146. I feel ok, but not really. I know I am lacking protein, I have not had a period since April of 07, I have had several blood clots in my left and right legs within a four month period, I see my Dr Thursday and I know they will do blood work, but I have been taking all my vitamins and exercising plus the extra one's they make me take because I was lacking Vit A, Vit D, Zinc. I have a hard time doing protein. I need it badly, but all that I have tried in the last two years makes me sick. There is no pill to take for this?? I like the new me, but I want to be around to enjoy it as well. Help!!! — Tarla (posted on September 25, 2007)
September 24, 2007
I found Solgar Protein tabs- they are rather big so I chew them- about 11
gms protein per tab- I get them on line from Vitamin Shoppe. I just use
them to supplement my regular food- try things like yogurt and granola for
breakfast or the Quaker Oaks 7gm protein instant oatmeal, I will add a 4 oz
Danactive smoothie midmorning, add cheese/thin sliced lunch meat or nuts
for any other snacks- or even part of a can of high protein slim fast- hope
this helps. Donna
— dabby
September 25, 2007
If you love a thick, rich, chocolate milkshake try this. A can of Slim Fast
Low Carb Chocolate Drink w/1 scoop of Body Fortress Whey protein Powder.
And to make it extra rich, I also add a packet of Carnation Instant
Breakfast (chocolate of course). Just make sure you mix it well so it won't
be lumpy. It taste SOOO GOOD. And it's I think 44g of protein. Please let
me know if you like it.
— scaryreader
September 25, 2007
I lived on the Smoothie King high protein smoothies they would perk me up
September 25, 2007
Anywhey tasteless protein powder. It really does have very little taste
when added to crystal light, tea, etc. You can also bake with it, and add
it to hot drinks, soups etc....I have only seen it locally at GNC. You can
also get it online via the bariatric stores but they are more expensive and
you will have the added expense of shipping and handling. Good luck and
God bless!
— crystalsno
September 25, 2007
Try the Syntrax 5.0 Cookies and Creme or Vanilla I went through a lot of
protein shakes that were suggested and they were NASTY!!! These really are
good They are expensive about 50 bucks a bag but well worth it I blend with
springwater two packs of Equal (hate splenda) and cinnamin(cookies and
creme)With the vanilla I blend strawberries bananas whatever your
imagination calls for. I used to try to drink 32 ozs and never ever got in
my 70 grams(too overwhelming) so I started drinking smaller amounts 1 scoop
to 8 ozs.of water with lots of ice that's 23 grams of protein!!!with milk
that's 31 grams..I found a website that offers a discount on Syntax Good Luck...Get that protein in!!!!
— MsGriff07
September 25, 2007
I found from the OH Conference that I went to. That you can get PROFECT.
It is 3 oz of liquid protein. It had 25 grams per tube. It taste good to
me. It taste like Kool-Aid but, a little thicker. But, only 3 oz is easy
to drink. The only problem for me is that the price. It is $12 for 4
tubes and for 24 tubes it is $67. But, I like the tubes due to the high
protein. You can go to the PROFECT website to check it out. Also there
are Power Crunch Bars that are also very good and have 15 grams of protein.
So, check that out too. Good luck. I sometimes wish there was an easy
pill to help get more protein.... LOL..... Ronda
— Ronda C.
September 25, 2007
Try eating vegetarian soy protein in
the form of fake meat. It is in the freezer section of your store. Also try
making desserts with tofu. You can also make great shakes with fruit and
tofu. You won't taste the tofu and it is pure protien.
— bderuiter
September 25, 2007
I wanted to know why you are developing blood clots? Do the doctors
know??? This scares me because I had roux-en-Y on July 27 and I developed
clots in both of my legs and I'm still trying to recover. I had a blood
clot 10 years ago after a pregnancy. I PRAY I do not have any more clots
after these!! Now I'm scared to death.
— ALafferty
September 25, 2007
hello I'm sure seeing your dr will help but just a thought have you tried
the protien water by special K it at at local walmarts and there maybe
other types of protien waters out there its a good way to get your protien
and water possabley or just go to a vitamin store also and maybe you can
get some other idea's there in differant forms of protien I hope this
suggestion helps. I have not had that surgery. cathy
— tenderlovinghugs07
September 25, 2007
HI my name is Lisa and I had surgery june 21 but i am not sure if we have
had the same surgery to answer your question i am taking centrum and that
is helping me cause i need a vitamin also but even without the vitiamin i
still have alot of energy but i am sorry to here that u are having a rough
time ok i hope i have helped in anyway
— LisaPellegrino2006
September 26, 2007
Hi, I had a protein problem too in the beginning. Try soups, egg drop is
the best but soup goes down easyer. Stay away from the creamy ones that
have a habbit of making you sick. Nuts and beans are good too. Make sure
they check your gallbladder and iron good for those blood clots, my
gallbladder caused alot of problems.
Good luck
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