Has anyone had gastric bypass with Factor V Leiden?

   — Tracy A. (posted on July 27, 2007)

July 27, 2007
I had surgery last Aug. I recently found out that I am positive for the Factor V Leiden from one donor. My younger sister had a stroke in April and Factor V Leiden was a contributing factor. We were all tested and I also have it. I will be seeing a hematologist later this summer. Since it is all new to me, I talked with my regular doctor. She said I can still have a tummy tuck down the road, there are just some special considerations with the FVL. I think that when you are obese and have gastric bypass, they take most of the same precautions, so you should be fine. Advise your surgeon and the anesthesiologist (?) and you should be fine......good luck and keep me posted.... If you have any good info on the FVL, please email me.... [email protected]
   — andrealej

July 27, 2007
Hi Tracy, I don't know yet if I have Factor V, but I know I had GB with a Prothrombin Factor II. (Well, we didn't know then....about 20 months later when I came up pregnant we found out). They'll most likely just put you on Heparin for the surgery and a day or two long as the docs know, it is easier for them to prepare. Good Luck!
   — Ravenwulf

July 28, 2007
Hi Tracey, I don't have FVL, but I do have a clotting disorder. We had talked about possibly putting in a temporary vena cava filter, but decided not to. We went with a heparin shot before surgery and a slow heparin drip after surgery. I however, did develop a dvt within 2 days of surgery and it broke off and I had bilateral PE's. Because we were prepared I was immediately put back into surgical critical care and my heparin was upped, then I had a vena cava filter placed. I am now on coumadin for life. However, my surgery was completely successful, I lost 170lbs! I am half the person I used to be. I am not pursuing plastics because I don't feel the risk is worth it, it was worth it for the gastric bypass because I would have been dead in less than 5 yrs without having the surgery. So discuss your options with your surgeon and with a vascular surgeon, as well as your hematologist. they can put a temporary vena cava filter in for the surgery if they feel the risk is worth it. Good luck and email me if you have any questions. Lisa H. rny/gb 10-23-03 340+/174/???
   — Lisa H.

July 31, 2007
Yes, I have this factor and they treated me several days before and after surgery with Blood thinners. They were given through injections in the stomach. Not painful and I made it through my Open RNY with flying colors. JUST MAKE SURE they have this info highlighted in your records. The hospital where my surgery was performed had a big orange dot on my armband that stated this fact. Good Luck, you will do just fine!
   — Elizabeth L.

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