I would like to know how successful of lap band surgery, how much you can lose ?

I am nearly 4 wks post-op and I need to know how successful others have done, so I will know where I am. And also if I cannot do it , then I will try harder, please guide me. Thank you.    — geasjun-thai (posted on June 8, 2007)

June 8, 2007
Congrats on your surgery. You can do it. The first step, though, is to resist the temptation to compare yourself to others. The Lap-Band, even more so than the other surgeries, produces very individual results. I am almost 4 years out with mine, and have lost over 100 pounds. With the Band, you truly do get out of it what you put in. It requires more effort than other surgeries, and the effort must start immediately. Please don't get discouraged; just keep up with your exercise, protein, water, portion control, and fills, and you will do great. Feel free to email me if you like.
   — Jeanie

June 8, 2007
I am feeling the same way as you - I am three weeks post - op from the lap band and am only down 11 pounds. I was only a 35.5 BMI the day of surgery and from what I am gathering those of us with that BMI don't seem to drop the weight at the same rate as others. From what I have read we just need to be patient. Take care and good luck.
   — jhart

June 8, 2007
You can do it and you are doing well. Everyone looses weight at a different pace. I'm almost 4 months out and have lost almost 55 pounds. You do what works for you. I'd suggest getting a complimentary membership at your local fitness center and getting the trainers to show you some exercises that will firm and tone. Also, Wal-Mart sell those exercise balls with charts that have various exercises as well. If you have cable TV with on-demand -- these have great exercise programs on them as well. Me, I'm more of a gym rat and prefer to workout at a gym. Good luck
   — the7thdean

June 8, 2007
NEVER NEVER NEVER compare yourself to others. we are all so different. I LOVE my lap band. I lost 27 lbs 2 weeks pre-op on the liver shrinking diet. Then I lost absolutely nothing from the time i had my surger until i got my first fill 6 weeks post-op( I even gained). I was devistated. but I also cheated. Since my fill, on 3-15-07 I am now down a total of 85lbs since the beginning of this journey. I have made a huge effort to make sure that what ever goes into my mouth has nutritional value. I take a liquid vitamin and iron and also give myself weekly vit B-12 shoots. I wore a 28-30 when I had my surgery on 2-2-07, I bought a size 18 capri this week, and they didn't even have an elastic waist. If you would have told me I could be almost 1/2 way to my goal 4 months post-op, I would have called you a liar...but here i am . Just remember water water water. You will find, that as you get more accustomed to eating smaller portions, If you will make sure you arent thirsty, before you eat, most of the time, you want a drink not food. Invest in alot of crystal light. My favorite is the ruby red grapefruit mixed 2/3 crystal light 1/3 apple juice. It is fantastic and I do not like apple juice. Remember, this is not a magic pill, it is a wonderful device that can help us on our journey. If you need to talk or have uestions or concerns ask any time, I have 5 members of my immediate family who have had the band and we all have different stories. But they all have the same outcome. People are starting to see us for who we truly are not the excess fat people they used to rather ignore. Life can be wonderful again. Good Luck
   — mccabesmom

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