I am looking for people who are interested

in talking about their WLS journey. I am pre-op and there are no support groups in my area, only Portland and they only meet once a month. Really I don't think it matters were you are....just needing to have people who are going through the same stuff and are willing to share the experience. Thanks! Dre    — dre_1974 (posted on March 10, 2007)

March 10, 2007
What is it that you want to know? Anything specific?
   — Kari_K

March 10, 2007
HI, let me know what you want to talk about. I had my surgery on Dec. 19, 2006.
   — MJP0520

March 10, 2007
I am two years out and would talk to you whenever I can. Let me know what you want to talk about. Good luck. My support group is a community away from me, but I chose to belong to the on-line support group. Have you checked into one of those in your area? Helps me and I don't have to travel or leave my office. I do it right during my noon hour at work. Check into it. It works for me.
   — cmancl

March 10, 2007
Hi Andrea! Congratulations on your WLS decision. I am 8 weeks RNY post-op, and I know how important it was (and still is) for me to talk with and read about others who have gone through the same thing. Please feel free to Email me with any concerns and questions you may have. Best wishes to you.
   — midaem

March 11, 2007
I had my surgery 12/05 and would be willing to chat with you about anything, You can email me directly for any questions. I would be more than happy to respond. It is the greatest thing that I have done for me. I wish I had done it sooner. Hope to hear form you soon. Email me at [email protected] and I will respond as often as you have questions. Good luck - it's a wonderful journey and you will feel and look so good! It is well worth it. Take care
   — toula21

March 11, 2007
Hello- I will talk to ya! I have RNY on December 6 2006. You can e-mail me and we can talk away.
   — thegib

March 11, 2007
Hello Dre! I am almost one year post-op and I would be happy to talk to you about my WLS! Check out my profile until we can chat - I'm very candid there, too. You're doing the right thing... Support is ESSENTIAL to your long-term success. Good luck and blessings on your journey!
   — dfawn

March 11, 2007
Hey! I am happy to talk to you about anything you would like to talk about!! I am almost 11 weeks post op, I had RNY on Dec 27,2006. ask anything!! support is SO important! Aaryn :)
   — airbear762000

March 11, 2007
Hi Andrea, I had my RNY on 11/29/06...I am very interested in talking to anyone regarding this life changing decision..I have been heavy all of my life, but up until I had surgery and now have lost 115# (44 prior to surgery on liquid diet) I feel like a new person and feel the best I ever remember feeling! I am happy to share everything! Just email me and I will tell you anything you want to know-Good luck....Janet
   — want2luv2bme

March 11, 2007
I ill be 6 years out in july, and care for this board as the MOD. So what do you want to know? Feel free top e mail me privately [email protected]
   — bob-haller

March 11, 2007
10 days out here. Would love to help with anything I can.
   — KristineMarie

March 11, 2007
I had LAP/RNY on 2/15/07 (almost one month post op) I am an open book. You can read my profile for a lot of info or email me direct: [email protected] for anything you need to know. Jammie
   — jammerz

March 11, 2007
Andrea ~~~ hi i am going on 7 weeks out ..i like to talk to people also who had there surgery around mine!!! write me any time [email protected]... I AM Roxanne !!
   — Roxanne piligno

March 12, 2007
I have a wealth of information on my page. Just click on my site and read away. You can do that with anyone on this site that has their page open to public view. There are a lot of stories that can help you. Don't forget to get a few good books and do a lot of research on your own. Your body is so different from everyone elses, you need to know the facts and then apply them to you as it fits. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 12, 2007
Thank you so much to everyone that answered this post. I am amazed at the outpouring of friendship and good tidings. You are all wonder people. Good luck to us all! Dre
   — dre_1974

March 14, 2007
I am always available to talk. I live in Southern Oregon and had mine done in Eugene April 04. Just contact me anytime.
   — Kanelalyn

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