How successful are you long term?

I am considering the surgery and I am wondering how successful or disappointed others have been after a few years?    — mmtuttle (posted on February 2, 2007)

February 2, 2007
Best thing I ever did. I could never be more disappointed in myself than what I was fat. If you are thinking about it, you need to research it, this is alot of work and not a quick fix!
   — Diane C.

February 2, 2007
I am over 3 years post-op. I have lost over 135 pounds, and am still losing (slowly). I dreamed of just being an "average" person, and now I am. I "fit in", now, instead of being on the outside looking in. I find that other people are kinder, show me respect, and look me in the eye (which didn't happen often when I was fat). When I was fat, I felt like a different person on the inside, but people only saw the outside. Now, my inside self, and outside self are in sync. I'm so glad to have had my WLS. Research, soul search, and do what is right for you. Best wishes....Barbara
   — StarWish624

February 2, 2007
I am over 2 years out (10/19/04). Best thing I ever did for myself. But be forwarned.... The failures that I have seen have come from people not dealing with the other stuff in their lives that made them heavy in the first place. For me, there were other health issues like my hypothyroid. If you have stress issues, you need to look outside your normal "circle" of friends to deal with those things. Good luck.... But do your research before, during and after. That includes a good support group too. Keep it in the back of your mind that others have gained weight after surgery becuase they slipped back into old habits.
   — TallCindy

February 2, 2007
It has been 5 years for me. I have kept all my weight off except for about 5 lbs, and I can live with that. I am very happy with the results now. And, I still take my vitamins and all, and am still healthy. You can check out my profile.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 2, 2007
I am working on 10 mos post op and am 150# less- I have gone more than 20# below what my doctor thought I would and actually reached what I had wanted but probably will go if I can another 10-13# lower. I woudl do it again. Donna
   — dabby

February 2, 2007
hi there. im almost 1 yr post op come this march 15th 2007, i have lost 170lbs and i would do it agian in a heart beat but you must do your research and let me tell you its not a quick fix ,its hard work on our part to maintain a healthy lifestyle. i feel into the fear of gaining the weight back so i stopped eating and drinking ,i was only getting in maybe a 100 cal a day . so because of that i ended up in the hospital twice and i have been out of work for almost 6 months now because of major dehydration and malnutrition, im over all that now for almost a month ,but i have to make sure i eat and drink what im suppose to be doing daily ,even if im not hungry or thirsty i have to force my self to eat and drink. otherwise its bad news.. so make sure you do your research , and ask questions ,and make sure its what you want to do and remember it is a lifestyle change. but i would do it all over again . hope this helped.. diddnt mean to scare you with my issue but it is a issue if you go there... rebecca basra

February 3, 2007
Hi Michelle, good for you for researching information and questions like this one! I am almost 3 years out and I am still at around 120 pounds lost. Started around a size 22/24 and am not a 4/6. I will confess to you that I get concerned about gaining weight at this far out, but the truth of the matter is that it is a tool, the first day, to the last day of your life. You have to use your tool, or you will gain the consequences of your actions. Obesity, in my opinion is a head issue with a body consequence. You have to treat the head issue to really get the body consequence that you want. Treat your tool well, fight the head issues, and you have a real shot at a successful surgery and results. Continue to research and get all of those questions answered! Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

February 3, 2007
Hi, I'm 5 Years post-of down 135lb over the 5 years I've gained back 7 but my doctor wanted me to, I was a bit gaunt at 125. I would do it again in a minute, mind you I pray that I never have to (it's very, very hard) but I would do it.
   — dianethics

February 3, 2007
I'll be 4 years out in April, & I'm still thrilled w/ the outcome! I lost a total of 155 pounds but gained about 20 back, & that's where I've stayed for the last 2 years. I have no regrets, & my mom also had rny almost a year ago & is happy as well. Blessings on your decision!
   — fowlerloriann

February 4, 2007
I had lap banding in Oct.2004 and it was such a life altering decison for me that now when Oct. comes around I celebrate 2 birthdays the `1st one is my real birthday and the 2nd is Oct. 5 my operation anniversary. I was given another chance to have a life that I had let go of due to weight gain. I had a co-worker that got approved for WLS and he told me the other day that he decided to not have it because he wanted to keep his habit of rubbing his big stomach. I think he expected me to try to talk into having surgery but I told him that WLS is a personal thing and it was up to him which way he went because if he wasn't completely committed he would most likley not succeed considering how hard it can be for us that really wanted WLS.
   — leekenny

February 4, 2007
I am 3 years out as of December and starting at the 2 year mark I started to gain back very slowly. I have put back on 24lbs since my lowest weight and it is very discouraging. It is my own fault because I fell back into some of my old grazing habits and have stopped exercising because I went back to school for my masters degree. I graduate in May and will get back to my full exercise routine and have stopped the grazing on bad foods. Hopefully I will lose the 24 - I will be happy with 20 though.
   — Jendeclan

February 5, 2007
I am 10 years pos op. I had my Gastric by pass surgery in 1996. I lost 157 Lbs in 3 years and kept it off for that long. I eat 3 meals a day 3 snacks with moderation. I take my vitamins daily and i dont drink and carbonated products no sodas and no beer. I am happy with my new body, my new attitude and my new life. If you have any questions please feel free to email me and will answer them and will email you back. Good luck in your new journey. Dani
   — Dani96

February 6, 2007
My surgery was 10/94, RNY distal. I lost 150# and am very pleased with my results. I still drink my protein drinks, take my vites and make sure i drink more water than I want. So far, so good.
   — vitalady

February 7, 2007
Hi! First, its funny that I have the same exact surgery date as another that answered your question. Anyway, my surgery was 10/19/04 and I am very happy with my results. I have lost about 142 lbs. and I still struggle, but I fit in now. I am no longer huge and the object of peoples looks and jokes. I weigh about 162 now, and sometimes it is a little more or less, but it is much easier to handle now. I can do a lot more and I would do it again if need be. Don't get me wrong, it is not easy. I have not had any plastics, so sometimes it seems to me that I still have the same body. But I periodiocally look at a pair of 26/28 jeans that I saved and it snaps me back into reality. Yes, I could and should be smaller, but I am so much more healthy and can do so much more... I am happy and wouldn't change a thing! Go For It! Just do all the research you can, and obviously you are on the right track if you are posting on this site! Good Luck! Amber
   — septembergirl73

February 8, 2007
I had my surgery on 10/03...was 305 lbs and a size 26 at the time. I am now a size 10 and weigh between 149 and 153. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I never knew how bad I felt until I realized what it was like to feel healthy. Just remember.....this surgery is just a tool and how you use that tool is up to you. If you have food issues, they just don't go away, you have to learn how to deal with them. I give myself a 5 lb window...if I am ever up more than 5 lbs, it's back to basics for me...drink a little more water, add an extra 15 mins back at the gym, watch what i eat a little more, etc. You have to use this tool to change your lifestyle. Good luck in your decision!!!
   — barefootgirl

February 11, 2007
The surgery will not fix all your life problems. It is very difficult, and if you can lose weight without it, you should, because you still need to have will ppowwer. It is not magic.. That said, I am happy that I did it. i can tie my shoes without huffing and puffing from bending over. When I go out, men hold doors for me. People do not look at me and automatically see the "fat" before the person. I can walk up the stairs without getting tired. There are dowsides: I have a lot of loose skin, so I stilll have trouble with clothes. The good outweighs the bad.
   — Novashannon

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