
Just wondered if you have diahrea all the time you are on liquids and how you handled it. Special underwear, pads?    — geneswife (posted on April 14, 2006)

April 14, 2006
I was told by my NUT that WATER IN = WATER OUT. It will get better after you go on more solid food and I am including pureed foods as solid. I stayed close to the potty during my two weeks PO. I always keep some Depends in the house because I have microscopic colitis. You may want to buy a small package of them if you are having a bad time of it.
   — ChristineB

April 14, 2006
Billie, just had my gastric bypass on Monday, 5 days ago today. Came home yesterday. I have had diahrea since I could get up and go, pretty bad the first few days, but it has gotten better to the point where its almost gone.
   — John Hoffmann

April 14, 2006
Same as John above. I had surgery Monday and the diarrhea started in the hopital after the barium swallow test. I am 4 days out and it finally stopped yesterday. Denise
   — niecey

April 14, 2006
sorry, i have to disagree with the first poster. it is of the upmost importance to keep up on water when you have diarrhea, so that you don't dehydrate. But that is not to say that you shouldn't eat whole foods. In general, the best and most binding foods to eat that help stop diarrhea are bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (also known as the BRAT diet). Give it a try.
   — sweetmana

April 14, 2006
Have you tried eliminating milk?
   — vitalady

April 14, 2006
Thanks for the input. I have my surgery next Thursday and was thinking about it. I get really sore when my bowels are watery.
   — geneswife

April 15, 2006
You can take IMODIUM (over the counter). My doctor said it was okay to take them, as needed. Apparently, it is very common to have your bowels messed up because of the rearrangement. If you get constipated, MILK OF MAGNESIA (liquid) works very well.
   — itsirk301

April 15, 2006
In the days following surgery I was drinking the lactose free milk and using it in my pudding, and protein shakes, and still had this problem. I quite with the lactose free milk all together, and that seemed to help. It seems that even though it was lactose free, I still had problems with diarrhea.
   — Rebecca Johnson

April 15, 2006
I am not sure what "A Sweet one" was talking about by referring to my post with s/he's disagreement to what I was saying. For a clarification - what my NUT was saying is that it is common for a person to have diahhrea when you are only getting liquids in and your bowels will firm up when you eat more solid foods. Jeez!! People need to read - "A Sweet One" should have noticed that you are still on liquids.
   — ChristineB

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