What is the average time you have to be off after RNY?

   — HAILEY (posted on February 14, 2006)

February 14, 2006
I was out of work two weeks. I am a nurse in a walk in medical clinic and I didn't have to lift, push or pull on anything. I should have taken at least another week because I work 10 hour days and at the end of the day I was exhausted!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 14, 2006
Hi Hailey, From what I understand everyone is different. I would talk to your Dr., my surgeon says it depends on each patient, but he also said the norm is 2 weeks after RNY Lap. So I am planning on 2 weeks. Hopefully I am the norm lol. Jennifer F
   — jlflbf

February 14, 2006
I was off work 2 weeks and went back 30 hours my first week and back to 40 by the second week back. I have an office job. Laproscopic is the best way to go.
   — vhoupt

February 14, 2006
Hailey, Provided that you do not have any complications generally you can go back to work after about 2-3 weeks. It also depends on what type of job you have. Most companies depending on whether you use STD or FMLA will allow you up to 6 weeks. I would say take as much time as you physically need.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

February 14, 2006
It depends on the person and their daily activities. For me, I work in a sedentary job and I took 3 1/2 weeks off. It will be determined by your surgeon how long s/he wants you off.
   — ChristineB

February 14, 2006
I'm going to take 6 weeks because i'm a patient care assistant and in my job i would lift and pull on patient so i'm taking 6 weeks, but everybody is different i'm 2 week out and if i had a desk job i think i could go back to work. And for so poeple it depends on the sick time poeple have hope this help.
   — ms.quan

February 14, 2006
the doctors in the Springs state that they want there patients out for at least 3 weeks. The main reason is your body needs to adjust.
   — Steve Cohen

February 14, 2006
Hailey , I was out for 6 weeks and I am glad I took it( I had open RNY) You gotta figure you will be having new food habits and experiences going on for the first few weeks.And you will be wiped out for a while. Good luck Sincerely Pam
   — sunnie

February 14, 2006
I had open RNY so I took of the recommended 6 weeks due to the requirements of my job and could have taken off another 6 weeks without a problem from the doctor. I look forward to retirement but after 6 weeks I couldn't stand to be at home any longer. I had no issues during or after surgery and no issues with recovery so I opted to go back to work. I admit the 1st week was exhausting but everything else was fine. I took my lunches to work so that wasn't something I needed to get used too doing. I did have to make time for water breaks and still do.
   — 1968 Loser

February 14, 2006
Hi Hailey, I was out 10 days after my Ryn....but I had a wonderful recovery...also I am in sales and so no heavy lifting required...and I napped most afternoons for another week....
   — ash1218

February 14, 2006
I only took off one week and was fine. But I agree that it depends on the individual. And I had open surgery. Not laproscopic. Good luck. Cindy
   — cindyheath

February 14, 2006
I took six weeks, only because I could. If I had to, I could have went back to work a week later.
   — smparker2

February 14, 2006
I'm 3yrs postop & when I had surgery my doctor required that I be off 6 weeks to prevent any complications.
   — Cindy W.

February 14, 2006
I say the answer is "as much as you can"!!! Why not take the time to take care of yourself!? Personally, I took off six weeks because California has disbability leave and I was able to heal and start exercising. I decided that I might never have another opportunity to take 6 weeks off of work - so I took advantage. Now that I have been back at work for 2 years, I would kill for another 6 weeks off!! lol Best of luck on this wild ride!!
   — MissKimberly

February 15, 2006
As probably stated somewhere in this thread, it depends on your job, your recovery and what your doctor recommends. I had surgery (lap RNY) on a Tuesday, went home on Thursday and went back to work on Monday. My job was pretty low intensity, sitting at a desk working in front of a computer. I also had a very easy recovery. Just ask your doctor, he knows best. Good luck! Pam
   — stargazer12472

February 15, 2006
I was out for 6 weeks.. I had Lap RNY, but my job at the time was very involved.. I was a cna at the time.. Plus I have a history of hernias after surgeries.. So my surgeon didn't want to take any chances.
   — mzb2u

February 15, 2006
Hiya...I had Open RNY the middle of December. I was off for 6 weeks. I suppose it depends on what type of work you do. I do factory type work. Im an inspector. Even though I sit alot there is a lot of moving around. I was very thankful I had the full 6 off. When I went back I did have an 8 hr day restriction and a 8 lb weight limit. I think one of the reasons I am doing so well is because I had the time off. Billie Jo
   — blazeia

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