Does anyone else have Sjogren's Syndrome?

I have rheumatoid arthritis and an accompanying disease called Sjogren's syndrome which gives me dry mouth and dry eyes all the time. I am concerned about the pre and post-op "no drinking". Is there anyone else who has this and can give me some info on how you dealt with it?    — Amy D. (posted on October 23, 2005)

October 23, 2005

   — nursenut

October 23, 2005
You rinse your mouth with water and spit it out. That would keep your mouth moist.
   — catleth

October 23, 2005
They also have glycerin pops they can give you to moisten your mouth. They do this frequently for patients who cannot drink prior to surgery so I would think it would be okay. Also want to make sure that you know and have been told not to take NSAID's after surgery due to high risk of causing a bleeding ulcer. Since you have RA, I assume you are taking one of these meds. You'll need to discover alternatives for pain management regarding that. I've known 3 people now who have nearly died from bleeding ulcers, so it's nothing you want to monkey with. Dina
   — Dinka Doo

October 26, 2005
I also have this syndrome. My rhuematologist prescribed me a medication called Evoxac which I take 3 times a day and it helps me to produce more saliva, perhaps you could give this a try. Good luck.
   — Barbara S.

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