am I done losing weight?
I went from 233 to 138 and have stopped losing, am I done? I still want/need to lose about 10-20 pounds. Any help? Please. — tabithabuck (posted on March 8, 2004)
March 7, 2004
What is your height I 5'3 and down to 138 after a 122 weight loss I thought
for a while I needed to lose more weight till I seen a pic of my self in a
size 4 skirt I am now in a size 3 jeans and do not need to lose no more
just get things toned up I kow when I get to have TT that will take off a
few more pds but even if it dd not I would still be happy with the weight I
am at now
Take Care Huggs
— wildbrat
March 7, 2004
At 3 years post-op, I would say that the surgery's active contribution to
your weight loss is complete (it was probably complete a year ago). You
are probably going to have to do that last 10-20 pounds on your own - which
means diet and exercise...JR
— John Rushton
March 7, 2004
JR's got it right. He hit the nail on the head. It's all you now. Good
luck to you!
March 8, 2004
Welcome to my world, buddy. Even after abdominoplasty, that is exactly
where I am at. The only place to go for me the ab workouts to lose it.
Tried a Stability Ball? When I am totally done healing I am getting on that
puppy every day :)
— kultgirl
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