What is the cause of pain just below the sternum bone?
severe pain 3 hours after eating will not let up , feels like a heart attack. The pain is straight through to the center of the back , like a knife being twisted in me. If i eat it will make the pain less severe but still there. the pressure on the breast bone is horrible. doctor out of office till next week then i can have it checked. could this be gallbladder? pain has been intermitant for 3 weeks getting more severe daily and happening more often . — rhondan (posted on January 23, 2003)
January 23, 2003
Yes, it sounds like gallbladder to me. The pain you're describing sounds a
lot like the pain I had with mine. If the pain gets to bad, go to the ER.
You don't want a stone to get stuck. My pain came & went in an hour or
so, but if it lasts longer than that, get to the ER just in case.
— KelBurt
January 23, 2003
I have experienced that same kind of pain... right in the middle (or a
little lower) of my breast bone and goes straight through to my back. I
thought that was just air bubbles getting stuck or something. I have found
with myself that vomiting seemed to help sometimes. Kelli, how long did
you notice this pain before you found out it was gallstones? And a dumb
question... where is the gallbladder? I was cleared when I had all of my
preop tests and I am only 4.5 weeks postop.
— Angela D.
January 23, 2003
See a doctor ASAP. I always described my gallbladder pain as "being
run through with a sword just under my breastbone clear thru to my
— Carolyn I.
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