Anyone heard of

Shakes or drinks? Has anyone heard of or tried a product called "Back to the Garden" Meal Replacement Drinks? From what I saw and found on the website, they also have something called "Bible Bars" which appear to be nutritious. You know why it sparked my interest? Because it had the word *Bible* in it and because a co-worker gave me the address: Just wondering~if you're not interested in answering, please don't be mean, just pass this one by~just want to know if you have tried it and what were the results? Thanks!    — yourdivaness (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 6, 2003
I've heard of Bible Bars, have Tasted Ezekiel bars. Was sent some free samples. They were STAGGERINGLY high in sugar, but I had to TASTE. They supossedly contain the 7 things listed in the specific chapter of Ezekiel (which I forget not), but honey, dates, etc. HIGH sugar. I checked the scripture at the time, and did not see "sawdust" listed, but that certainly was my impression of the bars. I wouldn't have used them here, because of the high sugar, of course, but at least I didn't turn away something nummy, IMHO.
   — vitalady

January 6, 2003
Guess that's why Jesus warned us about false protein bars in the final days..........(sorry, had to get that joke in). Sawdust! That was a really good one!
   — Nell C.

January 7, 2003
I'm sorry Nell, but not thoroughly impressed with your joke and offended. If you didn't have a reasonable answer, I wish you hadn't responded. I ask questions for a reason~not to joke. Just a simple "sawdust" would have been appropriate. Perhaps you should review the rules for posting. Thanks for nothing.
   — yourdivaness

January 7, 2003
The replacement drinks - 30 carbs (24 of which are sugar) and the bars - 37 carbs (17 of which are sugar. Protein count isn't bad (20 grams) but doesn't out-weigh the negative of all that sugar.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 7, 2003
oh and only 3 grams of protein for the bar!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 10, 2003
Ouch! I got slapped and didn't even know it. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, don't feel like I violated any rules and personally apologize to you since you do feel offended. But I can't say I won't offend someone somewhere again. It just happens and I try to just overlook things I don't care for. Can't we all just do the same? I meant no offense to good Christians either as I am certainly one. But Jesus had an excellent sense of humor --- look at his conversation with the Samaritan woman. God Bless!
   — Nell C.

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