How long do we take yukky chewable multi-vitamins?

I think I have heard you can go to regular multi-vitamins. Are there any small tablet forms of multi-vitamins?    — Ginger M. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
From what I've read, multi vitamin pills are OK as long as they dissolve in a cup of warm weater in 5 minutes (may have the time wrong), or about how long it will last in your pouch. I've found Rite Aid makes a women's formula that dissolves in 5 minutes and even though its a large pill (which I couldnt swallow until 3-4 months post-op), I don't have to walk around smelling like a Flintstones!
   — Marti R.

November 26, 2002
I never did use chewables. Yuck. I cut my vites for awhile. BUt the regular mutli's I use dissolve in saliva water in less than 2 min.
   — vitalady

November 26, 2002
From a nurses point of view I recommend "Isotonix" brand vitamins. They are sold in powder form and ingested in liquid form after adding water. The most unique feature with "Isotonix" is that after adding water they are ready for IMMEDIATE absorption, and you can expect to absorb around 90% within 5 minutes. Unlike other liquid vitamins "Isotonix" tastes great too. "Isotonix" are great for everyone, but I especially recommend them for anyone who has had WLS because stomach acids are not required for "Isotonix" like they are for tablets or chewables. They do not linger in the stomach like a tablet or chewable but go directly to the small intestines where absorption takes place. "Isotonix" brand is all-natural, No preservatives, No binders, No fillers, No coatings. I have been taking these vitamins for 6 years and love them! You are welcome to email me with any questions. Good luck to you!
   — Patti S.

November 26, 2002
Hmmmm. I must be backwards. I LOVE the children's chewable and have NO intention of ever going back to regular. Guess I'm a kid at heart and WLS is just the EXCUSE I need. lol
   — Danmark

November 26, 2002
One A Day makes a small multi, it is smaller than a M&M and shouldn't be a problem to swallow. It is One A Day Essential and comes in the green box.
   — Ali M

November 27, 2002
Ginger, call me crazy, I love Flinestones chewables, I was told I could switch to multi or pre-natal, but, I like the FLinestones...Must be the "kid" in me
   — heathercross

November 27, 2002
My nutritionist told me about Kmart's generic one-a-day multi vit. Says it really tiny. When I run out of my Centrum, I'm switching to it.
   — Karla K.

May 16, 2008
I was advised by my surgeon that I would need to take the childrens chewables for life, however I have found other vitamins that seem to have more in them but they are not chewable, so my question is, will they work with the RNY bypass as I do not want to have more issues with improper vitamin taking.I believe they are all natural.
   — RebeccaAlex

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