Why can't individuals preparing for surgery not eat corn?

I was given instructions from my surgeons's office some behavior modification instructions in preparation for surgery. Among these was for me to avoid corn. I know that even though it is a vegetable, a starch and ???sugar??? Please help me to understand. I REALLY like corn, so does this mean I'll NEVER be able to eat it again?    — yourdivaness (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
5 months post-op...-91lbs...RNY distal...I eat corn problems.
   — Oldsoul

July 19, 2002
Well, corn goes straight thru! My surgeon, didn't see any problem with it, but the dietican at the hospital said no corn. It's a starch, carb, sugar, etc. Not enough to dump on it. Have a little and see how you do. Moderation is the key.
   — Dina M.

July 19, 2002
Pre-op? My doc also requests "no peas, no corn" for 24 hours. Um, I suspect it's because they can be pretty gross if they suddenly arrive in OR. Know what I mean? This is a fairly new request, only for a year or so. ONc wonders what prompted this request, huh? Ewwww.
   — vitalady

July 19, 2002's the deal, I've got a story to tell but want to warn people right off the bat - don't read any further if your stomach gets squeemish, okay? < I'll pause here while people exit out of the page > Okay - here's my theory. Back in the day, when I was only 13 years old - I had an emergency surgery to remove two ovarian cyst that had come up unexpectedly. The night before I had eaten some corn and spinach. I was in the pediatric unit because I was too young to be in the adult section of the hospital so my bathroom was four hospital rooms down the hall from the room I was in. I had never used a bed pan and pretty much refused. As they were trying to get my bowels prepared for surgery - they had to give me SEVEN enema's. That's right - seven of them babies due to the corn and the spinach - they don't come out of your system that well. They'd give me the stupid enema and I'd squeeze my buns together as I woddled down to the bathroom...tiptoe / squeeze / tiptoe / squeeze - oh, the memories. Anyway - SEVEN TRIPS TO GET THAT OUT OF ME !! SEVEN !! Your doctor may know from experience how difficult it is to cleanse some things out of a system completely. If it's only for pre-op, don't worry about it. You'll get all of those things back at a much lesser amount sooner than you will imagine. Good luck to you.
   — Lisa J.

July 20, 2002
I have corn 2 or 3 times a week post-op with no problems. I'm 8 months post-op and down 103 pounds.
   — Patty H.

July 21, 2002
It is pretty gross, but one of the reasons you can't eat corn is because no matter how well you think you are chewing it, corn stays mostly whole. (Same with hotdogs). Unless you have been requested to do a complete colon cleanse (i.e. GoLightly and enema), then you will still have kernels of corn stuck in your intestinal tract for several days after the last time you consume it. It may look and feel like it is all gone, but it won't be. This could make for a more uncomfortable recovery. Some people may be able to tolerate corn after surgery, but not all will be able to do so. Good luck!
   — CatLover1964

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