PreOp and cant take multi vitamins

I'm worried... I never have been able to take a multi vitamin. For some reason something (not sure what) makes me feel very sick. Am I just strange.. will that sick feeling be a big problem.. or will it probible be different post op?    — sweetglow (posted on May 24, 2002)

May 24, 2002
Were you taking the vitamins with iron? Sometimes iron can upset your stomach. Try a brand without iron to see. Now, you will NEED iron after surgery so you will have to get it in some form but maybe not with your multivit. I liked Vitaball--vitamins in a gumball. They do not contain any iron, have little sugar, and taste GREAT! Also they have Gummivites--gummy bears containing vitamins. I would say try one of these. When I was using the Vitaballs, I added Feosol 3-4 days a week. It is an iron supplement that is very small, not time released, and didn't upset my stomach. Without the iron I got horrible headaches, so I know I need it. Good luck!
   — ctyst

May 24, 2002
I have been taking vitamins of one sort or another for many, many years. Some brand have filler in them that make me sick. I've found that if I try switching brand, that makes all the difference in the world. You may try something more natural or some of the popular store bought brands seem to settle just fine for me. Also, like the previous answer, if I take my vitamins on an empty stomach, I get sick. I have to have eaten something, either right after or not too long befor I take them. Hope this helps.
   — Debra G.

May 24, 2002
I've learned while doing the pre-op waiting game, that my tummy does best on the multivitamins if I take them in the morning with my Carnation Instant Breakfast (No Sugar Added), then have toast or a cracker after that. Just something you might try. Good Luck - Anna
   — Anna L.

May 25, 2002
my doctor said that we are required to take two flintstone vitamins a day because they are chewable and then i add the chewable calcium with it -good luck
   — APRIL H.

May 27, 2002
I've always gotten sick after taking vitamins. I've now found that if I take them before I go to bed, I don't have any problems at all.
   — Patty H.

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