Why is it after I eat I feel like I want more to eat?

I am eating three meals a day drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day and after I eat I feel with in a half hour to and hour I could eat again. I am eating lots of protein less carbs    — christinec1213 (posted on March 1, 2012)

March 1, 2012
It's probably that old demon "head hunger". You shouldn't be hungry if you are eating what you're supposed to and drinking all of that water. You didn't mention it but I'm assuming you're waiting 1/2 hour after a meal before you drink anything.
   — Muggs

March 1, 2012
I have the same problem. Try to control it by drinking water or chewing gum but still there......
   — Jo R.

March 1, 2012
Yep, sounds like head hunger. I am constantly battling it and the demon that wants you to eat everything or wants you to drive your car to the nearest fast food place. I have had arguments with myself and of course, the angel part wins 99.999% of the time. I do have slip-ups sometimes.
   — Ambria

March 4, 2012
I am three years out and have gained 30 pounds back. I too eat again even when I'm not really hungry. My mind just says I am, but stomach says no you're not.I know it's old habits kicking back in, stress eating in particular. Any suggestions?

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