Continuous gas pain 21 months post op.RNY

I am 21 months RNY post op and have been at my goal weight since August 2009, when I also had a ventral hernia repair. For the last few weeks, I have continually had to deal with gas pain, having to take Maalox or another antacid several times a day to calm it down. It does seem to feel a bit better when I eat, but comes back shortly thereafter. The pain is not severe, but it is enough to make me feel quite uncomfortable. I do not feel any hernia, but these gas symptons were the similiar pre-hernia, without the hernia bulge. I have been watching my diet to see if anything in particular may be causing the gas, but no luck. I have daily bowel movements and no diarrhea. I have terrible insurance, so I want to try and avoid going to my family doctor, and my surgeon is no longer in network. Anyone else deal with this type of thing? Any suggestions?    — autumn *. (posted on July 18, 2010)

July 18, 2010
Have you tried gasX or beano... or similar products? I have not had this kind of surgery but if these remedies don't work, I would call your pcp dr's office and just have them ask the dr for a recommendation via the phone... my dr will answer questions like that and there is no fee. It can't hurt to try, right? Nothing happens unless you ask... and all they can do is say... he won't asnwer/you need to come in. Then you can make a decision on what you want to do, but at least you will have explored the options.
   — Kathleen O.

July 18, 2010
Do you still have your gallbladder? If you do, you might want to have your pcp check it out.
   — sfmini

July 18, 2010
You can have internal hernias that can not be felt like the hernia you had before. They are not bulges out of the muscle wall, but inside your body. I have never heard of those for anyone but people who have had RNY. You can also get ulcers. It sounds like an ulcer. A doctor would have to do tests to know what it wrong. Can you get a referral to another surgeon who is in network? It is discouraging to have bad insurance when you need medical care.
   — MargaretHM

July 18, 2010
i to have bad gas since rny nov 09 . ive tried gasx phaseym and lots of parsely. iit helps alittle. my advice " seat yourself strategicly away from potential victems and let fly.excuse yourself profusely and live with it ".
   — hanksguns

July 19, 2010
Thanks everyone for responding. The pain has actualy icreased since my 1st post, so I have an untrasound scheduled for tomorrow am. Can't fool around with this, no matter how terrible my insurance is at the time. Thanks again.
   — autumn *.

July 21, 2010
Are you trying to avoid gasey foods? They say walk walk walk when u r feeling like this and it will usually go away.I take prevacid dissolveables daily and when I am feeling gasey I take a gas x tongue strip.It usually helps.Goodluck!
   — davonjack

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