What exercises can help me gain muscle?
I had gastric bypass 10 months ago and have lost 80 lbs. My upper arms can be flapped and I could probably fly if i flapped hard enough. My legs are bony. I had always had thick legs even when thin and now im all bones. I want my legs back and my arms to stop flapping. Any exercises that you see have worked for you? — sublizano (posted on April 18, 2010)
April 18, 2010
Well, I had my surgery 8 months ago, and my thighs look like elephant legs,
my arms do not flap but they are yuckie. I am too sick most of the time to
exercise, however, I do walk. Some say if you exercise you can tighten up,
other say surgery. Then others say around two years out of surgery, you
get some redistributing of fat or something. I do not know anything, I am
an experiment in the making. Perhaps some oldies can shed light on the
flab part of this journey.
Good luck my weight loss sister!
— FSUMom
April 18, 2010
many factors to consider...if you have damaged skin, ie stretch marks won't go back. If you are older its harder as we lose elasticity
as we age. If there was a lot to can be tough too....the more the
skin stretched ..the harder to get back ...but it may seem unsightly now,
wait..My husband doesn't mind and i look pretty good in clothes. as far as
building takes time. Join a gym and ask questions there. They
know more about building muscle...i do know that using weights will help
build muscles. I am 22 months out and been maintaining for about a year
and I have excess skin..everyoneis going to. But its not much and doens't
bother me... much. If I had any work done would my belly and lines in
the face! lol best of luck to you and God Bless! hugs, Kim
— gpcmist
April 19, 2010
lat pull ups while seated will help with the arms . i do a minimum of 500
per day with 40 lbs. start slow , do what you can ,keep a count and do more
about once a week.this will take care of the bat wings. it is a slow
proccesso be in it for the long haul. ialso do 300 ab crunches with 20 lbs
a day waist is down16 inches and spare tire below waist is shrinking but
slowly. my daugter recently had tummy tuck i will try any thing to avoid
that.find youself agym and go there regularly. this is a must.
— hanksguns
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