Extreme burning pain left side 3 weeks out
Im three weeks out and I was doing pretty good with the pain. All of a sudden I've been getting extremely severe burning pain on the left side of my stomach whenever I move/bend. Feels like my skin is on fire, pain meds just make me dizzy, is this normal pain??? — Lainey1980 (posted on February 16, 2010)
February 15, 2010
omg i had the same thing it felt like someone was burning my tummy with a
cigerette i couldnt sleep i couldnt move a certain way when i went to my
doctor he told me if was the nerves he had severed and they were growing
back. but if i was you i would go to the doctor and make sure you dont have
an infection. i feel for you !!!!
— laydcherry
February 16, 2010
Definitely check with your doctor but I had the same thing a week out and
my doc said it was adhesions and would get better and it did. I am 3 weeks
out now and I still have to watch the way I bend but he said nothing to
worry about, but it feels like somone is inside lighting a firealmost
through your skin, its scary but normal
— ladyrdhk
February 16, 2010
I had the same burning pain, but I ended up with a staph infection at my
left incsion. My pain was so bad I couldn't touch that side, there was a
pocket of abscess under the incision that ruptered and thats how I found
out about it. After a course of antibiotics I did fine, and I am almost 6
months out and everything is great! Just make sure you check with your
doctor and the best of luck!
— Used2BeSad
February 17, 2010
I had extremely bad pain on my 3rd week. I could tell it was around my
incision and not internal. It hurt so bad for a week, I cried almost every
day. Then it just went away as fast as it came on. I found that Tylenol
actually helped me better than the pain medicine I had from the doctor. I
could barely move for that week. But then after it worked itself out, it
got better every day. Hang in there! I feel for you!!!
— kellyskomments
February 17, 2010
I also had this type of pain. My Dr said it was some nerves that had been
hit when he tunneled under the ski. I felt like I was on fire. In fact, I
was always looking, because I was sure I must be bright red. It lasted
several weeks, sorry to say. Still, ask your Dr's advice.
— corky1057
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