anyone ever had to litigate their weight loss surgery because of malpratice?

   — faifai (posted on January 28, 2010)

January 28, 2010
Not that I am aware of, but I'm certain there have been...there are always people who think they can sue their way to success, and certainly enough ambulance chasers glad to help in order to grab their cut. This makes it more difficult for people to find approval for a surgery that is often the only means of survival for a severely obese person. This surgery is one of the greatest forces for good health that exists. For a person to enrich their finances at the cost of the lives of so many, is unconscionable. That said, there are also quack doctors in any field, and if there is a doctor practicing bad medicine, he is doing as much harm as a person filing a frivolous lawsuit and needs to be stopped. Mistakes can happen and it's sad because the one making an honest mistake often grieves as much as the patient. I would make sure that wasn't the case before I filed a complaint with the governing boards, but everyone has the right to sue for anything in this country...some should, some shouldn't. To give a straight and concise answer, I don't know of anyone personally, but am certain some have.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

January 29, 2010
I don't know of any specific case. I know my own surgeon spends some time redoing other surgeons botched cases. Are you asking because you have had a bad experience?
   — lucyfur

January 29, 2010
I would have to think there are some. My first surgeon did me great harm and I now I am having a revision. I've never sued anyone in my life. However, I do have serious vitamin deficits as a result that have resulted in some neuropathy. I've thought about a suit but don't know where to start, have the funds or no if I even want to go down that road.
   — FindingAndrea

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