what do i need to do to get started in having gastric bypass surgery?

I have already have all the info i need on the surgery and i have tryed a all kinds of diets and exercies what do i do next do i go to a semenar or have my doctor refure me to a surgen i dont know what to do next    — 1c9f8z0 (posted on November 18, 2009)

November 18, 2009
Find a reputable WL surgeon. Set p your first appt with them. This can sometimes take several months. However when you call them they should be able to guide you as to where you should go for monthly weight loss appts., set up appts with the cardiologist, pulmonary doctor, psychiatrist and any other tests or blood works. This helps to speed thing up. Some insurance companies require 3 months to a yr of noted weight loss programs before they will approve you for surgery. Good luck. I am still waiting to finish 1 last thing then they can submit all my stuff to my insurance company Dawn
   — Hilkerrt

November 18, 2009
Research, research, research. You should go to any/all seminars available to you. It can only give you more insight into that surgeon's experience & his practice. Check him out here on OH and on your State Medical Board; most states post this info online. Does he/she provide support after surgery like a local group? Don't be afraid to ask him/her blunt questions; "How many of your patients have died from having "x" surgery?" After care is critical. If so, ask for that info and attend one of their meetings, they would welcome you & you'd get firsthand testimony away from the seminar setting where only the 'happy customers' are likely to present. Depending on the surgeon's practice, a lot of them have a staff that can help with the qualifying aspects if you are utilizing any insurance benefits. My doc had 2 insurance specialists. They knew & reported back to me within a few days of having attended their seminar what my insurance benefits were (I already knew of course). My surgeon also asks his patients to see him a minimum of 5 yrs post op for labs/general aftercare. Of course he wants to see them for lifetime. I thought that showed commitment to his patient's well being. Good luck on your search for a great surgeon. I'm sure you will find one.
   — Arkin10

November 18, 2009
Yes! by all means go to a seminar. 90% of your questions will be answered and I was fortunated enough to get sample letters needed of recommendation, needed by BCBS, my carrier at the time, for my General practicioner. She copied the letter verbatum! Also for the psych doc. I also went in all determined to get lap band and walked out with the decision to get RNY because the expectation of weight loss was so much greater. You can also go on a site call Medline to actually watch the procedures. Good luck.
   — lesleigh07

November 18, 2009
Alot depends on what insurance you have... do you have a PPO or HMO... each one handles it different. With the PPO, you find your surgeon and go from there. With an HMO type you have to have your Primary Care Physician (PCP) referr you to a surgeon. I am HMO, but I had to figure out what surgeon I wanted to go to and told my PCP his name and address. When I was looking for a surgeon, I checked him out on OH, then called the office to ensure that they were a Provider (Key word - Povider) for my insurance. (If they are a provider you only have the small co-pay, if they take your insurance, but are not a provider, you have a HUGE co-pay). If you are in a situation that you are self-pay, you check out surgeons, here on OH, the medical board, ask friends who they went to, etc... set an appt with them (you can even call their office and they will let you know what their fees are for self-pay and if they have financing available.) Hope this helps.
   — Kathleen O.

November 19, 2009
When I first started looking, I was looking at Surgeons fairly close to where I live (mine is about an hour and a half drive), and seeing what insurance I would need for each one. Then, when I was happy with one of them, (looking up their profile and comments on here about them), I signed up for the seminar and made an appointment with my personal physician (knowing I would need the monthly weigh-ins). After I went to the seminar, I had so much great information and their "packet" of paperwork to fill out, along with their checklist of things I would need before seeing the surgeon. So I got to work on all of that! It seemed to take forever, but now I'm having my surgery in a few weeks and can't wait!!! I check in to ObesityHelp daily and read everyone's questions/answers. It has helped tremendously, and very inspirational!!! Good luck, email me if you need anything else :)
   — eyeflirt4fun

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