weight loss

Currently I am at 8.5cc with my band. I can hold up to 9cc. I just feel as though I do not have the fullness I had at the beginning. I am more hungrier now, than before. I am Post op 65 pounds. I have 25 pounds to go. My doctor says it is getting harder because I am closer to my goal weight, any suggestions.    — savoy7658 (posted on November 9, 2009)

November 9, 2009
I was told the closer you get to your goal the harder it does get to lose. I had RNY gastric bypass so I won't be of any help at all about the band. Good luck.
   — Nina15137

November 9, 2009
I am 5 years post-op with the Lap-Band. I am at my goal weight, but it took about 3 and a half years to reach that. The last year and a half, I only lost about 1-2 pounds a month. That was good for me. As long as I was losing, I was happy. The slower I lost the weight, the better my body was able to adjust, and the easier it became to maintain my weight later. This is not a race, but a life long process of improving our health. The Lap-Band is only a tool to help us control our hunger. Just stick to the original guidelines your surgeon gave you. Continue to take small bites, chew thoroughly, and wait 5 min. between bites. Remember that it takes our brains 20 min. to register that we are full. Also, don't drink fluids for 30-60 min. after you eat. Fluids just wash the food through quicker, you'll be more hungry, and get hungry again sooner. If you are hungry, don't snack, eat a healthy meal. Half of your plate should be protein and the other half vegetables and/or fruit. Take one bite of protein for every bite of anything else. Eat solid foods, not soft foods, liquids, or junk food. For example, eat an apple over drinking fruit juice. Eat chicken over drinking a protein shake or eating yogurt. Minimize starchy vegetables like corn and potatoes to a couple of times a week. Keep an activity and food log for a couple of weeks. That should help you to spot areas where you might need to be more careful. Make sure you're getting some exercise throughout the week to keep your metabolism raised. Take the food and activity log to your surgeon and/or his dietitian for suggestions. You might even note how you feel after each meal, or how often you get hungry. Don't get frustrated, be kind to yourself. You have already done so well. I know you can do this. You are worth it. I wish you all the best as you move forward to meet your health goals. God Bless.
   — KimM

November 9, 2009
Hi Janice, I had the RNY, but I would think that the swelling has gone down since you are that far out post op, and like the rny, the pouch will naturally stretch out over time. Maybe the band is like that too. Also, like the dr said, the closer you get to goal weight, the slower you will loose. The bodies way of catching up. I know for rny, if you bump up water or rearrange your eating habits, it will jump start your metobolism. Hope this helps.
   — Kristy

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