Anyone ever experience gut pain from coffee - regular or decaf?
For several years now, I've been experiencing what I can only call GUT pain... pain that goes from my diaphram all the way down around and through my intestines. At times it just doubles me over, other times the pain is enough to take my breath away. Nothing helps it. I'm just beginning to suspect that it could be related to coffee consumption. I was a 3-large-cup-a-day drinker of Starbucks. In September, prior to my surgery, I was told NO MORE CAFFIENE, so I quit drinking coffee and switched to herbal teas. Seems that after a while, I noticed that I wasn't having the gut pain anymore. Then, one night after surgery I was out with a friend, and I ordered a cup of Starbucks. The next day, I was doubled over with pain, which lasted for about a week. Then no more coffee until recently, when I picked up a Caramel Latte protein powder that was just too sweet, so I bought some decaf coffee crystals to add to it. Bam.... there's the pain again. Can coffee do this to you?? Just really mess up your insides, especially your intestines?? I've stopped using it again, about 6 days ago, but am still having lingering pain. Yesterday was pretty bad. Any suggestions as to what is causing this and whether there is any way to speed up the healing process? I appreciate your help! — Erica Alikchihoo (posted on October 14, 2009)
October 14, 2009
At least you've identified what causes your pain symptoms. I would hazard a
guess at an ulcer but would think if it was that you'd have pain with other
foods/drink as well. Best thing to do is alert your doc and have an EGD
done. It's best not to self-medicate something like this. Pain that doubles
you over is not normal. Get thee to the doctor!
— Arkin10
October 15, 2009
Coffee causes me terrible pain. I switched to tea several years ago because
of it and I know others who have as well. You can get a tea latte at
starbucks I like the chai when you wnat to comfort and caffine. Though we
realyshould avoid caffiene. Glad you could find the cause and avoid it.
— trible
October 16, 2009
Coffee has a lot of acid in it & can cause an ulcer. Trust me I have
been there done that. I would call your doctor & see if he can check
you for an ulcer or put you on prevacid.
— Katie D.
October 16, 2009
I have the same problem with regular coffee but I can manage decaf if I
make it weak.
I have the same problem with deep fried foods.
— sheri139
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