I did beautifully post-op rny 2/9; until this cold; I have no energy; what can I do?

No fever; just aches, headache, slight nausea, which makes it hard to even get my water. Just switched to soft food 3 days. Have only had 3 1/4c of cottage chz. Will this let up soon or have I brought this on by lowered immune since not eating proper?    — prdurham (posted on March 5, 2009)

March 5, 2009
I was afraid of this myself. I got a flu shot before my surgery and I think it has helped keep me out of danger!
   — kristina838

March 6, 2009
The very first thing I would tell you is there are a lot of soft foods that are not milk based. Kill the cottage cheese, any milk product will cause an increase in the production of mucus. Try soft soups (creamed are great), refried beans with a little salsa. You have not hurt your immune system in just 3 weeks. Make sure you are taking your vitamins (chew them well) maybe add some extra vit C (chewable, of course). Talk to your doctor about what medications are OK for you. Mine will not allow any medication that has alcohol in it. Check and see if you were given the flu shot and/or the pneumonia shot, my doc made sure that I got both during or shortly after surgery, I don't remember getting them, but my chart says I did.
   — brindledanes

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