weight gain
I am 5 years post op and have gained 20 lbs back. I also get this awful pain in my stomach and if you touch it it feels like a baby kicking you when you're pregnate, it's really freaky. The doc's said it's nothing but when it happens i can hardly breathe. i' starting to wonder if it's the stoma. i had the RNY procedure. Does anyone else out there have any suggestions? Could it be the reason I'm gaining this weight back? — Chilli (posted on February 18, 2009)
February 18, 2009
It sounds like you need to see the RNY doctor and see what they say. The
stoma may be stretched and allowing you to eat to much without feeling
— trible
February 18, 2009
In the RNY, the stoma is BYPASSED in the surgery, and the surgeon creates
an artificial valve for your pouch by creating a fold near the exit where
he sews the part of the intestine to the wall of the pouch. This COULD be
enlarged, but it sounds more like you are suffering from a spastic colon to
me. I suffered from this condition for over 20 YEARS until I discovered
that I was allergic to dairy products and BEANS. I would suggest that you
have an allergy test done to figure out if you have any allergies, have a
colonoscopy done to see if your intestines are inflamed or irritated, and
try to avoid what CAUSES the irritation if they are. I believe that if you
do this, you will feel MUCH BETTER. Unfortunately, you will likely find
that it is something that you dearly LOVE that is causing the irritation,
so you are going to have to make a serious lifestyle adjustment. I was a
strict vegetarian for 20 YEARS
before I discovered that I had an allergy to beans. I now eat chicken and
fish to get my protein. This was a SERIOUS adjustment to my diet, but one
that I HAD to make for my health. I hope this helps. Hugh
— hubarlow
February 18, 2009
Yeah, my doctor told me it was nothing, so I got a second opinion...and had
a hysterectomy in which a football-sized fibroid tumor was removed! When I
first noticed it, it felt like a baby's head. I could be way out in left
field, but maybe you should see an OB-GYN just to be on the safe side...
— sem51
February 18, 2009
Hi, my surgery is this Tuesday and in our pre-op the RN said once you lose
alot of weight and internally you lose alot of the fat pockets that used to
be between organs beware of any sharp abdomen pains as sometimes parts of
the bowel can slip into those newly open areas and can be potentially very
dangerous. She added that regular, non-bariatric trained ER staff might do
some scans and say they see nothing abnormal but regardless, she said to
contact your bariatric surgeon's office right away, as they will work with
the ER staff to look for certain things. Good luck and see someone ASAP.
— opheliafl
February 18, 2009
I am almost 5yrs out April 26th, 2004 I had RNY. I just had a revision
called the Rose procedure it is done by scope no incisions at all. they
tack down your anastamosis and pouch if needed. I needed to lose 20lbs more
so I had it on Dec 30th,2008. I have lost 15 lbs since than. 5 more to go.
I can only eat about 1/4-1/2 cup depending on the consistency of the food.
I would definetly check with my surgeon he should do some test just to
check make sure it isn;t an internal hernia or something like that.
— msdebbs
February 19, 2009
Well he may say that all is fine but it doesn't sound fine. If there is a
pain then there is a problem. Pain is not normal. Make a quick journal of
when and how it happens, like what you ate or drank or if it's out of the
blue. It doesn't have to be a written statement just notes because our
minds don't always remember everything when we go to see our doctors. Best
Wishes, Corina
— Corina C
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