Has anyone with fibromyalgia had a problem with muscle spasms and muscle cramps?

I have fibromyalgia. I am scheduled for surgery Dec. 3. For the past week I have been having severe muscle cramps and spasms in my ribs, back, legs and arms. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know if it is just a bad fibromyalgia attack or if it is pre op stress.    — GingerKS (posted on November 29, 2008)

November 29, 2008
Have you been dieting alot? It sounds as if you may have some sort of electrolyte imbalance like being short of calcium. My fibromyalgia has improved so much after my surgery and weight loss. I don't think it will ever go away but honestly I have many more "good" days than I used to. Good luck. Maggie
   — nofrogs29

November 29, 2008
It is probably a combination of both. You have made a major life changing decision. If your are still questioning your decision then perhaps you should wait until you are mentally ready to do this. If the mind is questioning your decision then the body will react; sounds reasonable because the mind and the body are linked. As far as the co-morbidities; they are all manageable and it sounds like your docs think they can be managed post-op. Do some soul searching and see if this is really how you want to address this problem. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

November 29, 2008
Hi, I am 'hoping to have surgery, but I too have fibromyalgia. sounds like to me you just had a flair up that had nothing to do with the surgery date. Although it is known to us that stress does play a part in fibro...not much is actually known abut this disorder. hope this helps~~take a hot epsom salt bath and relax! hugs, pamela
   — matt_matts_mum

November 29, 2008
Ginger- I have lupus and fibromyalgia, and a few other co-morbidities. I find when I'm stressed out, upset, injured or tired, the SLE and fibro kick in to varying degreess. The tension keeps me from getting that deep restorative sleep that is so important for daily muscle and cell repair. I try not to let it get to the point where I can't move at all (which more often happens if the SLE and fibro flare together). but here's what I do - and I'm not advocating this for you, check with your doctor for stuff that requires prescription or herbal substances. 1) reverse the dosage of my flexaril - my prescription calls for three a day, and I usually take two AM and one PM. I flip that so I will have more medication in my system at night. 2) Soak in a warm tub or take a warm shower - this is great for lowering your stress level and loosening your muscles. If you have access to a Jaccuzi (fitness spa perhaps) all the better, although I prefer the warm shower, because I can go right to bed! 4) Try some herbal teas - Valerian- though it stinks like all get out - is one that is great before bed - BUT- be sure you are not taking prescription valium or other type of anti-anxiety or sleep aid. Chamomile is a good one, too. If you're married, recruit the hubby to participate in your relaxation plan. A gentle massage or "something else" will have the both of you pretty relaxed. If you drink wine, try your favorite but be careful with your prescription drugs. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if mixing alcohol with your prescritions is a good idea. Hope all goes well for you. Keep me posted!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 29, 2008
Ginger, Probably a little of both. You know stress will kick Fibro into high gear. Find whatever works for you to relax. I had surgery on 10/4/08. Down almost 50 pounds and the Fibro is a lot better. Still here but I can get through most days without even thinking about it. Some days it rears its ugly head and then I give in. Good Luck and see you on the losing side.
   — tonitoot

December 1, 2008
I have fibromyalgia. I have noticed that MY symptoms seem to get worse with the colder weather. Perhaps that is what is affecting YOUR body. It may NOT be due to the stress from the impending surgery date, but from the change in weather. MY fibromyalgia symptoms have improved a great deal since I have lost 107 pounds in the last 8 months. I am able to get about MUCH BETTER this autumn than LAST year at this time. In any case, I would strongly encourage you to CONTINUE to have the surgery. Any pain that you may be suffering NOW is only temporary, and will be MORE than rewarded in the future by better overall health including a much likely improvement in your fibromyalgia symptoms. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

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