
I keep seeing a bunch of questions and statements about how when you have had gastric bypass surgery you are not hungry. People keep commenting on how they are not hungry at all and have to force themselves to eat. I have friends that say the same after this surgery. I had LAP RNY about 7 weeks ago and I am still hungry and I think about food all the time. I still have cravings. I was just wondering when am I going to not be hungry??? I would love to not feel hungry and force myself to eat and not have any cravings. Maybe it's a mental thing but I am still hungry and I eat 750-950 calries a day and I am getting my protein and my water in just fine. I also excercise everyday! I am only on week 7 and I haven't lost a pound in 4 weeks! I am very frustrated with all of this. No weight loss in 4 weeks is hard to swallow this early in the game. Thanks for your thoughts!    — jann91 (posted on August 29, 2008)

August 29, 2008
Everybody is different, some people are never hungry, lose all desire to eat and have to force themselves. Some people are the complete opposite. As far as the cravings go, they say they only do surgery on our stomachs, not our heads. We will have to deal with them and the reasons we became obese in the first place. Great job on getting in your protein and water and exercising... you are doing the right things and it is completely normal to have a plateau a short time after surgery. Sometimes if you change things up just a little bit during a plateau, you may be able to break the cycle. Add a little more protein, change the type of exercise you are doing and track what you are intaking. Sometimes there are some hidden carbs or sugars you didn't realize that might be the culprits. Hang in there, try not to get yourself down, we are in this for the long haul. Dawn
   — DawnVic

August 29, 2008
I am 17 weeks out today, and I get hungry just like I used to before surgery. The difference is that I get full A LOT faster now! I wasn't really hungry for the first month or so and I was really hoping it would come back because I need that reminder so I'll eat when I'm supposed to! As far as the plateau goes, I wish I had some words of wisdom for you ... I have them, too, and they frustrate the hell out of me, so I just try to stay off the scale as much as I can stand to. Just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing ... Eventually the plateau will break and you'll start losing again! I know it's hard to be patient, but ..... Try to be patient! :-)
   — lauren_marie

August 29, 2008
I agree with the previous post. I get physically ill when I eat... When I eat a little I get ill. But that doesnt stop my head from craving for the taste of pizza, shrimp dip... a sonic coke and other things. Each person is different. And even though I hate feeling like my insides are exploding and I hate throwing up I am glad that I have the restrictions because it allows me to lose weight. Someone here with a similar experience will help you to get where you need to be. Good luck! You will get to where you are losing again!
   — B. Jones

August 29, 2008
I just want you to know you are not alone with the hunger. I am 4 wks out and still think about food night and day. I can't stop and it is frustrating. I gained 1.8 lbs in water weight last week and I cried. I have heard it gets easier over the months so just keep your chin up and if you need someone to vent with I am here. I understand what you are going through. I mean we go through a drastic surgery and even though we didn't put the weight on over night we still want it to come off faster than it does. I will I could drop the extra 116 I still have to go over night but I know I won't and mentally it is still challenging!!!!
   — bridgadean

August 30, 2008
Hungry all the time!! For at least the first 8 to 9 weeks. I had just decided I was going to be hungry for the rest of my life when things balance out. Now I still get hungry but it's at more appropriate times. When I plateau, I eat a little more and that breaks it for me. The trick is to not keep eating a little more but to shift back to the lower calorie level. There is a forum for hunger and eating troubles. Go to the pull down menu, place your cursor over "forum" at the bottom of the list select "more forums", on the left scroll down to the lower box. It's in there. Just to remind you haw different everyone is, I lost only 5lbs in the first three weeks. Now I'm at 60lb in 12 weeks and it's still coming off. It's slower for me then for some but at least it's coming and not the other way around!
   — waterlover

August 30, 2008
Simple carbs can make you very hungry...I cannot start my day with cereal because before the morning is over I am rumbly and hungry for FOOD! Protein keeps those rumbles at bay. Carbs are terrible for causing that hungry carb monster that people often talk about. The less carbs the lesser the monster. If you are hungry...Eat...Just make it all protein and just enough to get the rumbles to quiet. It made a HUGE difference in me....Also for ladies at TOM (That time of month) your appetite can be shocking. Thank goodness it only lasts a few days for me....but during that time it's like I never had surgery and can eat the entire house! (So it seems!) So watch what you eat...Try one day of all protein..and only complex carbs, like fruits and whole grains only, nuts or seeds...No , bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereal, or sugar and see if that helps...Just try it a day for now...and if that works you'll know you were just eating a little too many carbs...If not, you might just need to increase your protein serving per meal ...Just eat lean and you'll be fine!
   — .Anita R.

August 30, 2008
Well don't feel alone. We all experience some doubts at one time or another. I am almost 12 weeks post op and still cannot find a way to get in the protein powder or drinks. I have lost about 50lbs but I know I should have done much better by now. But the RNY open surgery I had is a tool not a miricle cure as I keep telling myself. But, it is easier said then done. Just keep trying as I will. I hear that plateaus come and go and before you know it the weight just starts melting away. I can eat all the time as well but only in smaller portions. But I hardly ever get sick like some have reported. One thing I do not eat is sugar. I think I am afraid of what the outcome may be so I shy away from it. I just started a treadmill routine so that should help. We have to remeber that food was the love of our life and it is going to take a little time and focus to replace it. Your lucky to get your protein in, just hang in there before you know it it should fall off of you. Good Luck to you , to me, to all of us!
   — kbiz888

August 30, 2008
I understand how you are feeling. I am 4 months and hav elost only 54 lbs, I am so discourage at this point and depress. I have been feeling hungry and having craving so bad, for salt and some times sweets. I ofter ask my self Iam I dont losing but thanks to the suppot athat I am getting here at OH, it keeps me going and hopefully things will change soon. Hang in there! Jennie E.
   — zydeko47

August 31, 2008
Prolonged hunger and small weight loss suggests you need another fill on your lapband. Call your doctor and tell him you need more restriction. As far as those of you commenting that you are DISCOURAGED at only losing 50 or more pounds at 12 weeks or 4 months, come on guys! I know you were told the same thing I was told, everyone's bodies lose at their own rate, and my gosh! you are only expected to lose about 100 pounds by the one year anniversary of your surgery! Remember? Also, remember how long it took for you to lose weight BEFORE surgery? And this is practically a PERMANENT weight loss! You did a wonderful thing for yourselves here! Be proud of your weight losses so far and be confident in your future losses as well!
   — cydthekid50

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