I am so confused.....please advise

I am 2 weeks out from rny and am on the pureed stage. I am suposed to alternate eating with liquids and only drink 8oz in each hour between food and liquid,plus wait 30 mins before and after eating to start the liquids. I am struggleing to get in the 64 oz of water and the 4-5 meals I'm supposed to do . If I take a nap I get behind on my schedule. I am constantly thirsty and know I must be a bit dehydrated. How have others managed this, and is a protein shake considered fluid or food.    — sistubbs (posted on July 25, 2008)

July 25, 2008
Protein shake = Food source. I too had this problem and continually had. I sleep with a water bottle and sip thru-out the night. I continually told my Dr. that I couldnt take in all my water even at 3 mos. post op - then one day I had to have surgery (not due from complications) and something about being intubated opened up my esphogas and right after surgery I had an insatiable thirst and I could put it down then!!! No more problems with fluid intake. I have heard of people - a few months out - having a procedure similar in the surgeons office where they "open" the esophagas in a similar manner. Do your best but still keep your Dr. informed.
   — C-There

July 25, 2008
I had my surgery on July 1 so I am not to far either but I found sugarfree popsicles helped me a bunch and also at my local HEB grocery store the sell a generic gatorade popsicle. When I came out of the hopsital I started drinking the Slim Fast Optima about 2 weeks after my surgery. I hope this helps.
   — clmckee34

July 25, 2008
YES! Protein shakes can count as food and liquid! I didn't have an 8 oz every hour restriction...I just kept sipping all I could get it in. sometimes water, sometimes a protein shake. Hang in there, it will get easier. I know I didn't always get all my liquids in, but I survived. It sounds like you are keeping good track of things, and that is awesome! You'll get there, just keep plugging away at those liquids! Kathy
   — purplek78

July 25, 2008
Popcycles, broth and jello are considered liquid. I found popcycles and partially frozen 1/2 and 1/2 juice/water (like a slushy) helped me get the fluids in while giving me the sense of eating something too. Hang in there. It gets better.
   — waterlover

July 26, 2008
Protien Shakes are more often than not used as a meal replacement......

July 26, 2008
Hi Sarah, I had RNY on june 24th. I have experienced what you are talking about. It seems like a full time job just to eat and drink, and get meds down ! I needed my naps too! All you can do, is all you can do. Try to focus on 3 "meals" plus liquids. If you can get another one in, that's great, but don't sweat it. I figured out that this phase is practice eating. Getting used to how pureed food feels, and taking in only small amounts at a time. Remember protein first, and wait a few minutes before putting in that next bite. I have eaten a bite too many, and it felt like i had binged out ! Misery for a couple of hours. Give yourself a break, and only eat what you can comfortably get in. I also made the mistake of trying to get in " one more meal" before bed. Not a good plan, just felt rotten. It's funny to have to make myself eat ! never thought it would happen. I betyou are worried about protein consumption. Remeber our bodies have a lot of reserves right now, and for a couple of weeks , will be just fine. You are doing a great job asking questions, and taking care of yourself. Hope this helps, Colette.
   — freefromfood

July 26, 2008
Remember, Sarah, that it's fluids 15 minutes before a meal but not until 1-1/2 hours after a meal. So, 90 minutes after your meal, hydrate yourself! Sip and sip and sip until 15 minutes before your next meal. Practice, practice, practice. You'll be a pro in no time!
   — AlmaRene

July 26, 2008
Keep a bottle of water or Crystal Light (or other sugar free, caffeine free, non-carbonated drink) by your bed each night and take a sip before sleep, and anytime during the night when you wake... Anytime you leave home, carry a drink with you. Keep a drink near you at home at all times and keep sipping, (follow rules about when to drink before/after eating of course). Slim-Fast has a sugar-free version you can try. That does count as a liquid, and also will give you protein. Best wishes and congratulations!
   — Gina S.

July 26, 2008
Don't worry, just do the best you can every day. I know what you are talking about - I still gothrough it every day. If I get behind, in meals or water/liquids, I have to figure out what to eat or drink and what to fint in. I think I have had 5 days in the six months since my surgery that I got in all the liquids and vitamins I am supposed to do. SO, I do my best, make mental notes, write out a schedule and plan my meals and liquid intake for the next day and try again. Just always have that bottle of water handy and remind yourself to sip all day. I use a timer to remind me when to stop drinking (30 mins before meal) and when I can drink again (60-90 mins after a meal). Otherwise I get off track. I don't count my protein shake as liquid or a meal. Good luck and relax. Vickie
   — vippie

July 27, 2008
I can tell you my experience...I was dehydrated right from the day I left hospital. I was then trying to get my 64 oz in plus more to get rehydrated....I was told the protein shakes were liquids at this point. If I had to skip 1 meal to get fluids it...and I asked if drinking fast would stretch the pouch and everyone said no. So...drink as much as you can each hour. I take v-8 and put a lil garlic and pepper in it and heat it for 1 min and use a goes in like soup but is a liquid. it only has 35 cals for 1/2 can...which is our daily limit. I drink fruit juice that has been diluted 50% with water. the popcicles are good. go in quickly. Some days I take a long nap and have to struggle with fluid intake, but after 3 weeks I am hydrated again and losing weight finally. While you are dehydrated you won't lose weight, so try to get those fluids in. It takes longer to rehydrate than it does to dehydrate...Hope you can use some of what I am telling you!gpcmist@aol if you have further questions...just put something in the subject line so I know not to delete it! lol Good luck and congrats!!
   — gpcmist

July 27, 2008
I had to work really hard at constantly sipping water the first 2-3 months - SF jello helps, that counts as liquid. Now 5 months out and I don't have to do little sips anymore so it's easier to get my liquids. You're right that being thirsty is a bad sign, just keep working at it, in a few months it'll get easier.
   — Susan C.

July 28, 2008
The idea is to work yourself up to that can only do what you can do...You will get there eventually...Don't worry...Just try your best and like anything, don't force it...let it happen gradually, just don't give up and do your best! That's all you can do...I bought some big 32 oz cups...I fill it twice daily (64 oz) I carry i around with my all day and take sips here and there...Add lemon and a sweetener if you need a little flavor enhancer...and/or SF flavored waters...(I buy ones that have no dyes or added color to be gentle on my organs...I like Propel Powders...They add electrolytes like potassium and/or magnesium...Those help keep you well...
   — .Anita R.

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