I have heard about the "honeymoon" period after which rapid weight loss tapers off

I have heard that this period is 6-12 months and after that weight loss is still possible but that never again will WLS patients be able to lose like they did during the first few months after surgery (honeymoon period?. My surgeon said that WLS patients will always have an advantage over normal stomach people when it comes to weight loss but that the honeymoon theory is correct. Any body know why the body adjusts or why the ability to lose weight diminishes? Anyone out there have an experience to support or challenge this theory?    — ChelleBelle (posted on May 20, 2008)

May 20, 2008
That's a great question and I've wondered the same. To add to your question, I've also heard that the weight loss tapers off but before surgery I was able to lose 3-4 pounds a week on different diets so would this still be possible if I were to go on a "diet"? I would think that I'd still be able to lose that much if I were dieting but I've heard otherwise.
   — PAWLLA L.

May 20, 2008
The honeymoon period is normally the first 6-8 months. This is the easiest time to lose weight, as your body is burning off the stored fat. After this time the fat supplies are minimized, and the weight loss is slowed down dramatically. In order to continue to lose weight and not all of your muscle mass, you need to begin taking vitmains, calcium citrate and augmenting your diet with protein, at larger than normal rates. WLS surgery patients will have the ability to remain at a lower weight past the honeymoon period, as their food intake levels are reduced compared to that of a non WLS person. BUT, there are some people who don't control their eating habits, and can regain most of their lost weight. So WLS patients do not have a permanent advantage. The WLS is just a tool towards wieght loss. You have to make intelligent choices of types of foods, amounts of protein, avoiding surgary foods, proper water intake, etc. It's not the "easy road" to weight loss--it takes a lot of work to keep the weight off. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

May 20, 2008 personal experience is that I lost 70 pounds within the first 4-5 months after surgery...within 12 months...I lost a total of 130...I took a birth control shot...which caused me to gain 30 pounds back in 1 1/2 months!!! (Horrifying!) took me 3 years to lose that 30 pounds!!! The good news is that I also lost an additional 30 pounds the same, there is a "honeymoon" period...but it is very possible to lose a large amount of weight following it also. Thanks...Samantha
   — Samantha M.

May 20, 2008
Two things are at work the longer you are out from RNY surgery. First, your body is an amazing device that tends to rebuild after trauma. So, the villi in your duodenum (the parts that absorb fats and calories and alcohol) actually regrow over time--- so, you lose the initial benefit you obtained from malabsorption. Secondly, many of us lose weight quickly because we follow a high-protein, very low carb lifestyle (which is very healthy). However, eventually, your body adjusts to how it needs to store the few carbs you are getting-- so it is less likely to keep itself in ketosis and burn your fat stores at the same fast rate as it did initially.
   — SteveColarossi

May 20, 2008
Michelle, I think the honeymoon period is pretty accurate for many people. It was for me. At two weeks out I began walking 2 miles a day, worked up to 5, ate small amounts of food, no soda, only milk and water, and lost about 2 pounds per week every week for a year. I had a few peaks of 10 pounds or 5 pounds in a week, but mostly 2 pounds a week. It doesn't sound large to many, but before surgery I would be walking 8 miles a day and 1200 calories a day and not losing a thing for months at a time. Discouraging! It was! The first 18 months were very affective for me, and the balance of not too much not to little exercise with the other components of food intake and water intake made a very successful story for me. To God be the glory for the success, it was His hand alone that I have the health and body I have. I am very thankful. The body is an amazing thing. Just like obese people adjust to huge amounts of calories to gain weight to an average amount of calories again to gain weight, the same in reverse happens. The body adjust to what you are doing after time. I agree with your surgeon that we will always have an advantage over full stomached people, but keep in mind that you can deceive yourself into gaining all your weight back if you are not careful. Weight loss, even with wls is a result of work and effort in your eating AND drinking. When you stop exercising moderately, when you choose too much food or too many bad choices, if you insist on not being careful in what you drink, your body will remember your old habits and adjust accordingly. We have to train our bodies to have new habits, and it is stubborn, it takes time. it is a reward worth having though. At 4 years out I am still a size 6, and my body is remembering what I taught it. I don't walk 5 miles a day anymore, but my body doesn't freak out over that anymore. When the body is abused so much by weight gain and poor choices, it eventually catches on that you are trying to destroy it, and I think at some point it helps you out. The same, I believe, could be true in losing weight, as you treat it right, train it with diet and exercise, it catches on and knows when to slow down, when to stop losing all together, and helps you maintain what you have lost. The body is amazing. God created it to function well. We only get one body and then we answer to God how we used it. We would be wise to take heed and treat it well and with respect. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 20, 2008
Michele, I myself went through that and ended up gaining back 37 pounds. I found it easy to go back on a diet and lost 52 pounds rapidly. I kept losing weight for the first year and a half but it slowed after the first 6 months. I had to go back and fourth to find out what foods would help the weight loss and was able to lose more weight for the next 6 months but was a struggle. I stayed at 137 lbs. for the next 5 years then started gaining weight back. I gained back almost 40 lbs. I fought for the next three years to get it back off. I got it back off and have now lost the almost 40 I gained plus another 15 pounds. I am still say I would like to lose 10 more pounds but am under weight now. The honeymoon period does happen to us all, but be careful in that time period of what you eat. I am very self conscience of what I put in my mouth to eat on a regular day. I have talked to many that also developed anorexia because of this period also. I am heading down that little path myself at this moment at the weight of 122 lbs. I am now under weight for my height and build and still stay on a diet. I have been dieting since my surgery 9 years ago and have learned from experience that if I don't stick to it I start gaining some weight back. I also know others that have had this surgery and have gained it all back. I guess self control is a big part of what you eat. Good Luck to you I wish you the best!!
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

May 21, 2008
It is no more than one year, so you got to follow all the rules, no cheating and the more excersize that you can do the better. Practice before surgery drinking 100 oz of water a day and make arrangements with a gym for your membership to start a few weeks after surgery, and go. If you don't know what to do ask if they have a personal trainer. I hired mine for just 4 lessons, and now I would go hungery rather than lose my personal trainer. He has help me reduce the skin flab and increased my musele and I feeel beter than I every had, but I know the clock is ticking and when you get down so far and so many months out, your body adjust and that is what you will stay at if you maintain the healthy life style after the year. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 21, 2008
I have hit the end of the honeymoon period!! I am 1 yr out and have hit a brick wall on losing. I want to lose another 27 pounds but have lost nothing in about 3 weeks!!
   — Alvernlaw

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