Panni paid by Medicare when done with hernia repair?

I would like to have the panni and hernia repair performed at the same time. Dr. Shim Ching (Hawaii plastic surgeon) advises Medicare will NOT pay for the panni most likely. Is there anyone from Hawaii who has successfully had the panni performed with hernia repair and Medicare DID COVER both surgeries?    — sistergal2 (posted on August 25, 2007)

August 24, 2007
I would get a second opinion from another surgeon. I had a panni and hernia repair but I had Blue Cross at the time. One surgeon would not do it (both together) while I found one who did. Best decision I ever made was that second opinion. Best Wishes, Mickey
   — MCraig3

August 26, 2007
I am sorry i am not from hawaii, but i do know that these procedures can be preformed together. I am from california and have medical; i just had a tummy tuck and hernia repair done 8/17/07 and both were covered by my ins. & my TT (extra skin was minimal / only 6 lbs were removed) Best of luck to you...I think if your surgeon is noting skin rashes,back pain,etc..associated w/ the hanging skin you are more likely to get approved / document everything !!!
   — tiffany E.

August 28, 2007
Hi; Not from Hawaii, I am from Massachusetts, and two years ago had a Panni and Hernia Repair, and Medicare paid for both because it was considered a Medical Necessity. Have your doctor, or dermatologist take pictures of any rashes or bleeding from the excess skin as documentation to support your case. And don't let them do it without putting a new belly button in, they can, just make sure your surgeon isn't lazy. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Stacia R.

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