how long can nicotine be found in blood test? Please help!
I have been quit smoking 3 months but I had a little wine on the 4th of July and stupid me smoked about 1/2 a pack now my surgery is scheduled on July 31st and my Dr. will test me on the 26th for nicotine is it going to show up 22days later. Thanks — leeanne67 (posted on July 13, 2007)
July 13, 2007
I have no idea how long it will take to get out of your system, but I sure
hope that smoking that half a pack did not trigger you starting up again!
My husband quit for over 2 years once, and all it took was one to get him
started again. (he's now my ex). It's a difficult addiction to break just
like the food is. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can kick that
habit forever. One of the reasons (although not the ONLY reason) my ex is
now my ex is because he wouldn't take better care of his health even though
he has heart problems and diabetes, among other health issues I was just
so frustrated watching him slowly kill himself. You are on the right path
to a healthier lifestyle keep it up!
— Debra R.
July 13, 2007
Hi LeeAnne, nicotine stays in your system for 4 days!! I asked this
question when I had my blod tests done before my surgery. Dummy me was so
nervous the morning of my gastric bypass that I smoked 2 cigs, well that
landed me on a ventilator with my wrists tied to the sides of the bed so I
would not pull the tubing out of my lungs. BE CAREFUL!! You dont want to
end up on a vent!! It is not fun.Had I not smoked those 2 cigs I would have
been fine my surgeon said. Best Wishes, Mickey Craig...........
— MCraig3
July 13, 2007
I promise I really am done I don't even think about it on a regular basis I
just had way to much wine and there was a smoker in the crowd and ya know
it happened. I really don't ever drink that much so it should not be a
— leeanne67
July 14, 2007
Hi LeeAnn. I do think it will show up, and I think it shows upto 3 months
after you smoke. You would be very wise to speak to your doctor. You
didn't have one smoke, but a half pack. What concerns me about this is
that this will happen all too soon after surgery. If you smoke after
surgery, it can do so much damage to the work they do. You need to be
committed to quitting for your health sake. I know it is
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muche easier said from a non smoker, but I encourage
you to do what it takes to do this right so you are done for good with
smoking and keep that after surgery. If you turn back to smoking, you can
cause serious damage to your internal surgical site and also cause ulcers
to form throughout your body that wouldn't be prior to surgery. It can
cause damage that brings pain that is difficult to manage and it just
defeats the work they do and the goals for health that you must have. It
will be a fight, but please fight that fight and quit for good. Honesty
with your surgeon is the best policy, better to be humble and honest that
deceitful and made a fool. Take care, and I wish you well. Patricia P.
— Patricia P
July 14, 2007
How long does nicotine take to completely work it's way out of the body?
Thank You very much.
Medically, nicotine takes only 72 to 96 hours to leave the body. However,
the physical and mental reverberations can go on for weeks
— jasmine T.
July 16, 2007
Hi, It will not show up in your blood stream22 days later, but if you smoke
even a few cigarettes in the time before, it will affect your vascular
system and you may show the effects during or after surgery. I don't know
about you, but to me although I may want a cigarette.............I sure
wouldn't risk any problems.
— bderuiter
December 14, 2008
ya it takes 72 hours for the bye product of nicotine to leave the blood
stream. so what you had a set back! if your having a rny be carefull not to
smoke! you can have a bleeding ulcer and die! if your having a lap band
just dont smoke two weeks before surgery. you dont want breathing problems
in surgery or to end up with pneumonia post surgery. you can smoke after
surgery if you want. but why? your having this surgery to increase your
health.......... right. chill out and try to quit again, you can do it!!
— saraweeks
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