I want to have corrective eye surgery but was told I should wait.
I am doing the doctor monitored weight loss for my insurance. Which mean I will have to wait till early next year for my surgery but I thought that I might get my vision corrected but a friend of mine said I should wait till after the weight comes off to do it. Thanks for your help. — Nicole S. (posted on July 12, 2006)
July 12, 2006
I don't see what losing weight would have to do with eye surgery.
Personally if you want the best answer, ask your doctor AND the optometrist
that will be doing the laser surgery. I don't know a real good answer that
would prevent you from doing it!! Good Luck!
— sarahp1101
July 12, 2006
Yes I believe its better to wait, If your diabetic WLS will hopefully fix
that, your blood sugar will drop. After WLS we lose weight everywhere. Do
ask the eye doctoir and your WLsurgeon
— bob-haller
July 12, 2006
Why wait? One has nothing to do with the other. I had to do the doctor
monitored deal too. Now I'm in the process of scheduling my tests. My
blood work, psych eval and doctor's notes have to be in to the surgeon
within the next 30 days --my next appt is on Aug. 4th --the want this
information so they can go ahead and get me approved. They hope to have a
surgery date for me by that date. So I'm kind of excited.
Go ahead and get your vision corrected, that is not going to have an impact
on your WLS surgery. Hey see well first and then you can look at all the
weight you loose.
— the7thdean
July 12, 2006
No, usually it's the other way around. Personally, I recently found out
that after losing a bit of weight over a year running up to my surgery that
my perscription has changed for the better. Dramatically. And one wants
stable vision before getting laser eye surgery.
— John White
July 12, 2006
Why does your friend think you should wait? I do not think your weight
affects your eyes, but I suggest you go to the eye sur
— Novashannon
July 12, 2006
I had gastric bypass surgery in November 2002, laser eye surgery in
September 2003 and plastic surgery in December 2003. No problems.
— j_coulter
July 13, 2006
I had lasik 3 yrs ago and can honestly say it's one of the best things
i've done. If i ever need to go back in for a revision it's already paid
for, for the rest of my life.
— phranny19
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