How many stitches does an abdomnioplasty consist of?

I have an unhealing wound under my belly flap and am having an abdomnioplasty thursday July6th,2006 I was wondering if anyone knows how many stitches this involves.Thanks,Wendy    — Wendy Mendez (posted on July 4, 2006)

July 4, 2006
Hi Wendy, well I'm sure everyones is different but I had over three hundred stitches, husband got tired of counting them. I had an anchor incision with my tummy tuck, reopen of the gastric bypass incision down to the pubic and hip to hip si I had a lot. It wasn't that painful except I had to stay hunched over a little for about 3-4 weeks so I didn't strain the incision. Godd luck with your surgery. Tina
   — tchandler

July 4, 2006
I didn't have anywhere near 300, but I know it was quite a bit. I would guesstimate between 50-100, but probably closer to the lower end of that ladder. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!!!
   — cedsangel

July 5, 2006
I don't believe that I had any on the outside, all on the inside to minimize scarring. 2 years later you can hardly see my anchor cut. It's amazing!
   — Kim T.

July 8, 2006
This truly depends on your doc's technique *and* your size. Wider and/or taller people will require more stitches. And the type of surgery will make a huge difference. A straight across panniculectomy requires fewer stitches than an abdominoplasty with anchor cut. I didn't have any stitches! I was stapled! :o)
   — rayehawk

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