Regarding Birth control post op

I currently use Depo Provera as my method of birth control, and I know with most birth control there is some weight gain, will staying on Depo hinder my weight loss, or is it basically, trial and error? If I don't lose weight get off of it, or no matter what there will be weight loss.    — I U. (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 8, 2003
Personally, I had trouble with Depo...I BARELY lost any weight while I was on it & that sucked because I was only a few months out...Now that I'm off of it I'm losing fine. I think it totally depends on the person, cuz some people do just fine on it & lose weight no problem. Unfortunately I wasn't one of those people!
   — Binxalways

January 8, 2003
Hi there, Tina! I have been on the Depo shots for a while now and have had no problems with my weight loss. I have to agree with the previous poster that it depends on each person. Hope it helps, Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 80 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 9, 2003
Tina, all I can say is that Depo won't hinder your weight loss as much as getting pregnant would. Talk to your doctor about what will be most efective for you given all of the factors of your situation. To me Depo, although not perfect, is by far the best solution.
   — Amber L.

January 12, 2003
Ugh! I'm 2 years and 4 months post-op and WAS about 5 lbs. from my goal weight. I went on the birth control patch 5 weeks ago and I've gained 7 pounds and am quite upset. I'll give it another month, and if I gain any more, I'm going off the patch and have already discussed this with my husband. He'll hve to choose condoms or a vasectomy! He's 51 and we won't be trying for children anymore, so a vasectomy seems the best answer for us.
   — Lynette B.

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