I am doing research on the mini-gastric bypass.
I would like to know if there is anyone out there who is 3 years post op or more. I would like to know how your are doing. The only point of controversy I am finding on the surgery is that there could be long term problems. Any of Dr. Rutledge's patients out there who could help me out? — Peggy L. (posted on October 27, 2002)
October 27, 2002
Is that the doc out of North Carolina? If so, I have heard horrible things
about this procedure. I have seen it mentioned here a few times, but
haven't seen anybody on here that was one of his patients. I have been on
here everyday since Mar '01. I did some checking around during my research
phase and found stuff on the internet just by doing some searches. I hope
you find what you are looking for.
— Cheri M.
October 27, 2002
Search the library of this website and you'll find out more.
Also in the book, The Complete Guide to Obesity Surgery, talks about it and
warns strongly against it. That book talks about all the different
surgeries and the pros and cons. I bought mine at
I don't believe it is in stores yet. It was written by a physician.
— Darlene P.
October 27, 2002
If that is the same Dr. Rutledge out of North Carolina, I have heard some
really horrendous things about that particular surgery that he is
performing. I won't sway anyone one way or another, but definitely
research this. I know that there is a woman out there who has a website
regarding her experience with this surgeon and surgery. I believe her name
is Linda...I don't quite remember for sure. She has suffered a multitude
of health problems...every single one of them related to this surgery. Her
website is very informative. My understanding is that he is the only
surgeon performing this type of surgery, because of its known dangers.
Have a Sparkling Day!!
— Mustang
October 27, 2002
I have seen postings, both positives and negatives, about this procedure.
There was a posting within the past month (I think) that this surgery was
no longer allowed?? At any rate, there surgeons in our area who perform
more standard procedures such as the Roux en Y. You may want to check with
Dr. Wachsmuth in Charlotte, Dr. Baumann in Concord, or with Frye Medical
Center in Hickory. Good luck!
— asumamma1
October 27, 2002
There is a reason why he is the only surgeon in the country doing this
surgery. It's dangerous and insurance companies will no longer even cover
it as a WLS procedure due to the risks. Why take the chance? Go with the
gold standard (RNY) or one of the other accepted surgeries... ANY other
one. Stay away from him!!
— mom2jtx3
October 27, 2002
Peggy, there is a whole site dedicated to warning others of Dr. Rutledge
and the mini-gastric bypass procedure. Go to Google and do a search on his
name, I'm sure you'll pull it up. When I first began researching WLS in
1999, what I read at this site was so terrible, it made me stop that
research and not begin again until 2001.
Be careful if you are considering this procedure for yourself. With what
other doctors say about it, it may as well be outlawed. If you are seeking
information strictly for research, I'm sure you'll find what you need.
Good Luck.
— Carletta B.
October 27, 2002
Peggy, I just did a search to pull up the information I'd found years ago
on Linda Thompson, as to provide you with a link. Well, all of her pages
can no longer be brought up and Dr. Rutledge's site is everywhere hers used
to be...go figure. Sounds a bit fishy to me so I'm going to dig deeper and
see what turns up.
— Carletta B.
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