Do you decide which surgery or does your surgeon?

I have a BMI of between 40 and 43 depending on which scale I use. Which surgery would be the best for me? I don't have any co-morbs.    — D. N. (posted on August 27, 2002)

August 27, 2002
My surgeon only did Open RNY. I could have gone elsewhere I guess but he was in town and had 25 years experience. PLUS he never lost a patient.
   — Sherri_H

August 27, 2002
I had the final say so, but my surgeon advised me of the best type of WLS for me. I'm sure that's the case for most doctors out there.
   — Sarah K.

August 27, 2002
Everyone is different, but I knew what type of surgery I wanted (from doing a lot of research) before I picked a surgeon. I had already spoken to a couple of people who had used my surgeon so I knew that he performed the surgery I wanted. Of course, if he had advised me to go in another direction, I would have considered it because I feel he knows what is best for me. Surgeons tend to specialize in one type of WLS. I would suggest looking through this website at people in your area. Email them and ask about their surgeon. And specifially ask what type of surgery they had. Ultimately it is your decision, so research what type you want to have and then try to find the surgeon that you feel is best for you! Good luck!
   — karmiausnic

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