When you say sugar makes you sick...

When you say sugar makes you sick do you mean all types of sugar or just processed sugar or refined sugar...? Can you eat fresh fruit? I love fruit!! Can you eat fruit??    — Marie L. (posted on May 28, 2000)

May 28, 2000
I eat fruit! So far, fresh strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, bananas, mangos and (I'm sure something else); and i've had the Dole pre-packaged tropical fruits. No problems here.
   — Toni B.

May 28, 2000
OH yea - can't forget those PRUNES - really need those these days!
   — Toni B.

May 28, 2000
Marie: Oh yes, I love fresh fruit I keep all kinds in frig and in fruit basket now.... and bake with fruit all the time now as a sugar substitute like unsweetened applesauce.... Fruit does not bother me in the least... Toni: Yes, to those prunes too I have 4 every morning ;-)
   — Victoria B.

May 28, 2000
From my recent profile posting: I did some research on sugar absorption. I had been afraid to eat any raw fruit, but had had 1/3 canned fruit in natural juice since the start (although it was pureed, at first). I discovered through research that the reason that this form of carbs / sugar don't cause me to dump is that the sugar is already in water, which is then wrapped in the fiber of the fruit. This seems to slow down the absorption of the sugar into the body, so it doesn't hit the intestine all at once, causing dumping. So == orange juice isn't safe, undiluted... but eating a half an orange (I have eaten a whole small one without trouble), is fine. Another interesting dumping research find: Scientist are finding that guar gum when added to athe RNY post op diet immediately after sugar consumption (50 g. in the test case -- MUCH more than any of US would dare!)is ceasing the dumping symptoms. This is what is in iced milk with "no sugar added" (there is sugar in the milk). Since dumping is a possible tool of the surgery in behavior modification, it may be best that we DO dump. I haven't had the displeasure, but am happy to know that guar gum may be a fix if I do. ; )
   — lisadiehl

May 29, 2000
The last thing I want to do is preach to WLS patients about what they should and shouldnot do. The best thing I think we can do for others is to tell them our experiences and what works for us. I agree totally with your last statement about using "dumping" as a tool for consistent weight loss. In my experience thus far (since 1/10/00), when I eat something to cause "dumping," I don't touch that food ever again; that is, if it's concentrated sugar. In fact, I get a little nauseous at the thought of having that food. I have had "dumping" occur over gulping water, so naturally, I can't stop drinking water. I think it must be a mental thing, because I know sugar can be lethal, so I do avoid it for the most part. You can't fool your own brain, but you certainly can have a bad reaction to a food and just take a mental note to avoid that food in the future. For me, this is how the "tool" works. Before I had the surgery, I made up my mind that I would allow the surgery to dictate to me how to eat and what to eato eat. I munch on a few cheese curls now and then and I love crackers of any kind. For some reason, when I eat just a few, I am as satisfied as though I had eaten a bag full. I really believe that 90% of the MOs I have met are just like I was; not just addicted to food but addicted to eating large amounts of food. The amount of food, for some reason, was just as important. I am only 5 months out from surgery, but already, I think less and less about amounts and more and more about satiety with what I do eat. I hope this will be a help to folks who think the way that I do\did about food. The WLS is not a cure to obesity, but I do really look at it as a wonderful tool to find my way back to living life, instead of existing for one new ailment after another.
   — Louise H.

May 29, 2000
Hi Marie, I am able to eat fruit of any kind. I try to stay away from the fruit canned in "heavy syrup" as the sugar content is incredibly high. I do eat canned fruit packed in it's "own juice" and don't have a problem. I much prefer fresh fruit over the canned or processed type, any fruit is usually alright for a post op RNY patient. As far as sugar content in other foods go, depending on the amount of sugar in the food will depend on if I have a severe dumping syndrome, a mild one or none at all. I have eaten things that you would think would make you dump like crazy but haven't affected me at all. Then there are the foods you think would be safe and have sent me to bed with a horrible dumping syndrome. And like another post, I keep in the back of my mind, a mental list of those foods that make me dump really bad. I avoid them at all costs! Good Luck to you...
   — Marni

May 29, 2000
Hi. I have dumping syndrome. However, I have to eat over a certain threshhold of sugar to get sick. The threshold is very low, but definite. For example, I can occasionally eat a gummy bear or piece of licorice. My experience has been that fresh fruit can trigger dumping syndrome, if I eat too much. I have experimented with melon and strawberries and I can eat about 1/4 cup, without getting sick. This really is not that much of a hardship since I cannot eat very much anyway. LOL Beth.
   — Elizabeth H.

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