Does weight loss just stop almost two months after surgery?

I had surgery on 02/01/2010. I lost 27lbs in the first month. I have lost 37lbs in almost two months, but for about a week now my weight loss has stopped. Is this normal? If so, for how long does it last? How do I start the weight loss back up again?    — Dianna1964 (posted on March 22, 2010)

March 22, 2010
Hello I had my RNY surgery on Feb 18,I have lost 28 pounds so far.They say if you have a stall to drink more water or change your exercise.
   — davonjack

March 22, 2010
Mine did stop around that time, I think it was an adjustment time, because it hasn't stopped anymore, actually I am under goal and getting worried with the weight loss.
   — FSUMom

March 22, 2010
Stalls are completely normal. Your body is in shock. Keep plugging away at your protein, water, and walking. Best advise...get rid of the scale. It will drive you BONKERS.
   — Snapefantasy

March 22, 2010
Have you been measuring for lost inches? Sometimes you will not lose weight but inches. I have lost about 27 pounds and about 24 inches total. My surgery was Feb 19th. This is encouraging if you don't think you are losing anything , to measure and see inches lost.
   — tandalyncarter

March 22, 2010
I agree with Charlotte. I did not own a scale until I was a year out. If you weigh yourself daily you can go nuts but if you get weighed only when you go to the doctor you see pounds fall off. Just make sure you're eating - don't stop because your body will go into starvation mode and hang onto weight.
   — Muggs

March 22, 2010
plateaus are normal. Its our bodies way of catching up to the loss we've sustained. Do not be concerned even this lasts two weeks. It is normal. But anything more than that, talk with your nut about it. Or clinic. If you follow the rules to RNY surgery, you will lose weight. There is no way you cannot. However , if you do not, you will lose weight and not keep it off. It will eventually come back on. And no one wants that. Who wants to temporarily be healthy? 1. Chew your food atleast 20 times, 2. wait 5 minutes between bites, 3. protein first, before veggies etc, 4. exercise, 5.stop drinking 30 minutes before eating no drink while eating and wait atleast 30 minutes after eating to start drinking. (If you can go an hour, do so. Its better for you.), 6. journal, 7. vitamins ..those are the 7 rules to success. Of course, re-educating yourself on good nutrition and finding out why you over ate, are in order as well. to try to get your body losing again, you can up your protein, exercise more..or longer to get your metab. up, or change up your eating/drinking routine a lil bit..wait longer or less time between meals etc.. Best of luck to you and congrats on the surgery! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

March 23, 2010
Everyone that I know that has had RNY has hit a still somewhere around the 1 to 2 month period. The weight loss will start back up on it's own, you have just had major surgery and your body is in shock, just follow the rules your doctor gave you, drink all of your water and then some and you will do great!!! Congrats on your weight loss!
   — brindledanes

March 23, 2010
Are you drinking all of the suggested intake of zero calorie beverages, such as water? A gallon is what were recommended two if possible, And NOW is the time to start increasing your exercise activities.
   — Michael Eak

March 23, 2010
I stopped losing weight about that time as well for a whole month! It was very frustrating! Then I measured my inches and really saw a difference. I also dropped a size inclothing that month. The loss started up again after that month and I lost 10 lbs in two weeks. So since 12/22/09 I have lost 46 lbs with 64 to go. I upped my protein (Crystal Light and unflavored Unjury) Increased my water, and I have been walking or running everyday along with crunches and push ups. Alos DO NOT DRINK ANY LIQUIDS 30 MINS AFTER YOU EAT!!! This is extremely important I think it is what tipped the scale for me. Follow Kim's rules in the above post and you will be golden, don't stress!
   — lynnredboy

March 24, 2010
I am five months out and dropped 115 lbs with the Lapband. At four months I was 100 lbs. down. But I slowed significantly until I started exercising. Exercise is the key to jump starting your metabolism. Your body gets what is called physiological staleness as your body gets used to your new self. It took three weeks but now my metabolism has recharged to a new level and like after surgery I am losing again and I have lost ten pounds in two weeks. I will lose the last thirty or so before my birthday May 31st. Good luck to you!
   — postalmoose

March 24, 2010
I agree with everything posted above but also to put things in perspective, when was the last time you lost 37lbs in less than two months? I know that seeing the weight seemingly fall off is awesome but at some point your body needs a chance to play a little bit of catch up. I nearly drove myself insane with the scale so please don't think I'm making light of the question. I would recommend getting rid of the scale for now and just having your weigh-ins at your doctor's appointments or on a certain day of the month. In the meantime keep track of your measurements, keep a set of "reference clothes" to take a picture in each month so you can have visual confirmation of your progress. Water weight, constipation or too much sodium can all affect the number on the scale. Kim gave great guidelines so following those is an excellent roadmap to success. Congratulations on your success, you are off to a great start!
   — Kellye C.

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