Pre-op Weight Loss?

Did you go through the feeling "well I've lost this much pre-op, why have the surgery, just continue what I'm doing?" I've lost 80 pounds in 6 mos by changing eating habits thanks to the nutritionists. Thoughts?    — iluvsebago (posted on January 9, 2010)

January 8, 2010
Congratulations on your weight loss!!! I too lost a significant amount of weight prior to my surgery. Many people thought that I should not go through with the surgery too. I personally felt, that I needed the tool of surgery to meet my goals of a normal weight and then maintaining it long term. Keep your long terms goals in mind and keep up the great work. You are doing a fantastic job and it will make your surgeon's job sooooo much easier. God bless and Happy New Year and New You.
   — catasteams

January 9, 2010
Debbie, Thats so funny Im going thru the same thing.. I was scheduled for 1-06-2010 and I got re-scheduled for 2-10-10 because of a infection, but yea I have few friends that are tring to talk me out of it as I already lost 34lbs and counting, And my mind has been playing games with me cause Im so scared of the surgery and the aftercare,complications,ect that I keep thinking I dont need it and I can do it w/o surgery and save myself alot of grief, BUT everytime I hear good things about this surgery and I log onto this site Im back in that mode again.. I think the truth is that even though I loss weight and Im still losing I still think that Im weak and I'll gain it back again and if I did'nt need it I would'nt have let myself get to this point which is out of control and I struggled with my weight for yrs and I know I'll regret it if I dont get it. You have to evaluate yourself and look at your past progress and make a decision if you really think you can do this without surgery. I have lost weight b4 and gained it back everytime after a diet. But yes Im still alittle confused because this is major surgery and you know it should be a lst resort and if you can loose the weight and keep it off then go for it , I do not think I can. I hope your able to make a comfortable decision , good luck
   — barry l.

January 9, 2010
We all have had great success on all types of diets but I think you are forgetting that we go off that diet and gain that weight back plus a few bonus pounds. We have all been there, done that. I lost so much weight and then gained it back. With this RNY, I have lost 80 pounds, 65 inches in just 7 months and I feel so great. I feel this is the time when it will stay off. I do not get hungry, I can not eat as much thus loosing weight, and I now eat healthy and like it. Yes, you can gain this back as well if you give up and start eating pizza, bread, pasta, sweets that got us into this place but I no longer take high blood pressure medication, no sleep apnea, no wheezing when I walk more than 20 feet, no longer have to worry about getting diabetes which is where I was headed. I have energy to run and play with my grandkids that range from 2 years old to 11 years old. Prior to this surgery, MawMaw sat in her lounge chair and "watched" the kids play with PawPaw. I missed out on so many fun things because I was too heavy to participate. I could go on and on but just wanted to give you the other reasons for your thinking of surgery to begin with. Ultimately the decision is yours but you just need to be sure. Good Luck in whichever way you decide.
   — Kathy Thomas

January 10, 2010
In July 08, I began the pre-surgery liquid diet program required by my insurance company. I lost enough weight that I didn't even have a high enough BMI for the surgery any more. By Oct 09, I had gained back all of the weight I'd lost and an additional 30 lbs! When I went back to the clinic to begin again, I discovered that only 5% of the people that lose a lot of weight on that program actually keep it off. I'm very glad that I went back and continued on. I'm now 3 wks post-op for a rny and am glad that I did it, even though I was freaking out prior to surgery. We are all different, but in my humble opinion, I have been heavy my whole life. I've proven to myself time and again that I can lose weight, but I cannot keep it off. I feel that I had no other choice but to get the rny. I know that I will be happy that I did. Ultimately, the choice is up to you, but listen to your friends here at OH, and I'm sure you will see clearly the choice to make. Best of luck to you! Kristin
   — taylork25

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