how long it takes for your stomach to stretch back if it does?

   — dlemus53 (posted on December 6, 2009)

December 6, 2009
I would think that's a very individual thing. It would depend upon how much you "try" and stretch your pouch by eating the wrong things or too much of the right things. I think it takes several months after surgery for everything to fully heal. I am nine months since my RNY surgery and I don't eat much more now than I did six months ago.
   — rkurquhart

December 6, 2009
The stomach won't stretch back to the original size, but will eventually stretch to it's mature size in aproximately a year or two based on how much you eat at a time. However, it's not the pouch volume that determines satiety as much as the stoma that you should worry about -- the size of the stoma is a big factor in how satiated you stay.
   — Andrea U.

December 6, 2009
I measure outm y foods so I don't over indulge. I am 18 months out and eat 4 ounces per meal 5 tmes a day. I have been maintaining for 8 months. Once you make it bigger ..I am not sure how small you can get it . If you push it and push it, it will grow bigger and then I am afraid it will stay that size. This is a great question for your surgeon. Best of luck to you! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

December 6, 2009
It should never be that big again but you will get to where you eat more after about a year.
   — trible

December 7, 2009
Your new RNY pouch or Pouch above your Lap Band WILL start stretching as soon as you start eating too much. And it will Not shrink back if you get back on the program. And once you've stretched it, it will stretch/grow bigger thus you'll then have to measure your meals. It's best to just stick to the program your surgeon suggested, measure and journal everything you place in your mouth.
   — Michael Eak

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