christmas dinner

Has anyone had to go on a liquid diet the week of christmas for their surgery? How was it not having any turkey? Did anyone cheat? I have to go on the liquid diet for christmas so I just plan on enjoying my thanksgiving turkey.    — cuppaloopy (posted on October 1, 2009)

October 1, 2009
Hi Barbara..... no, I didn't have to deal with any holiday issues while I was preparing for surgery. In fact, I didn't have to do a liquid diet pre-op at all, except for the two days just prior to surgery. I didn't even have to do a bowel prep. Seemed strange to me, but I wasn't going to complain. But, I will say this. Having this surgery was so important to me that I would have done anything they wanted me to, and not cheated at all. I worked my behind off to jump through all the insurance hoops, and to follow the surgeon's suggested pre-op diet for the months leading up to the surgery, and I lost 27 pounds. I would not have done a thing in the world to jeopardize having the surgery. This has been my second chance at life, and now, at 7 months out, I've lost 115 pounds and feel great. I'm only 23 pounds from my surgeon's goal, but I'd actually like to lose another 20 beyond that. We'll see what happens. But, if you are really serious about having the surgery, I strongly urge you to NOT give in to temptation. There are some really good protein shakes out there, and things that you can flavor them with to maybe make them a little "Christmas-y".... check out the website. They have lots of REALLY YUMMY stuff, including about 50 flavors of DaVinci Sugar-Free syrup that you can mix into Vanilla or Chocolate Protein Shakes. You might try a little peppermint in a chocolate shake (Oh Yeah! Shakes are really great tasting), or some English Toffee in a cup of decaf coffee with a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Check it out. If you join the "Protein and Vitamins" forum, you'll get emails every day from people who have whipped up special drinks using the protein powders and flavorings available on her website. You could do worse.... Good luck, and I hope you are able to be strong and remember, you are doing this for your health and for yourself and for your family. It's too important to cheat....
   — Erica Alikchihoo

October 1, 2009
Thanks Erica. I have no intentions of cheating. I just need something that going to let me feel like it's christmas to. Thanks for the websites.
   — cuppaloopy

October 2, 2009
The worst part for me on the pre-op liquid diet (2 wks) was the aroma of cooking food. It's tough but you can do it. Maybe have your turkey dinner prior to surgery so you feel as if you've participated. Otherwise, save the turkey carcass and boil it for broth for post-op liquid phase. Hange in there and repeat to yourself that you'll join in on the eating festivities with the next Christmas...just smaller, healthier portions.
   — Arkin10

October 3, 2009
my dr. had me on 1 month liquid first of Dec. till surgery date of Dec. 30th he told me I could go off of it for Christmas but the food would probaly bother me since I had not ate in a while but no problems went back on the liquid the next day. Angie
   — teddybear74

October 9, 2009
I was on the liquid diet back in the 90s and hosted christmas dinner..I did great, no temptation to eat while i was serving everyone or at the table. HOWEVER, when I was alone in the kitchen during clean up, i caved..i was horribly sick because i had been on it for several months. So my advice, DO NOT BE ALONE WITH THE FOOD....LOLOLOLOL
   — born2bfit

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