
I hate having a catheter. How many days will I have to have a catheter in? If I can get up and walk the first night will they take it out,.    — SusanSp (posted on May 3, 2009)

May 2, 2009
Hi, The catheter will come out when you start drinking and keeping it down. Remember, the first day you will have nothing by mouth. Usually, they insert the catheter once you are in the OR and you are under so you don't feel it going in. Good luck, Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

May 3, 2009
Hi Susan, The first answer is the same way mine went last 7/1/08. I believe each Dr. has thier own ways of doing things. As well as each persons body is slightly different. Your friend may have had other issues that you did/do not. I found that per my DR. each surg depends on the persons body. In my case we hoped for lapro..but felt I would need open...and the wonderful person with great skill my DR was able to do lapro. I have tons of adhessions from many other surg. in the abdominal section. Your Dr. should be able to tell you what to expect when you wake up. I wish you speedy recovery. Will keep you in my prayers.
   — tootsie52

May 3, 2009
Thank you for your replies. I hope to drink and keep it down so I can get the catheter removed a.s.a.p. I hate them! Everytime I've had one I get an infection.
   — SusanSp

May 16, 2009
OMG i hate them also.....i dont want one.
   — jdavids2

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