Movie theater snacks

hey im going to the movies with my gf and i had rny 2/24/09. when i go i will already be on the soft food stage. i was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what i can bring or but that i can munch on while in a long movie....any sugestions or personal experience will help...thanks    — vmidiri (posted on March 19, 2009)

March 19, 2009
a handfull of cheerios, popsicle or applesauce.
   — harleyshell

March 19, 2009
I take hard sugarfree candies. I also take a bottle of water. It's not popcorn but I was just as happy.
   — Dixie Pedersen

March 19, 2009
Have some water. You can certainly wait for 3 hrs without food.
   — maria09elena

March 19, 2009
I think a bottle of water should be sufficient. Eat a high protein meal before going. This is a great time to use your new tool and start changing old habits to develop new ones. Thinking we need to eat something at every social event is what got us here in the first place.
   — Dawn A.

March 19, 2009
I don't think you will need anything, but what I did carry with me when i started soft foods was lowfat cheese sticks.
   — dapoohster38

March 19, 2009
I'm not lecturing - this is something I talked with myself about. A movie is one of my triggers to snack. I had LAP/RNY two years ago and decided to try a movie without the munchies. It worked and I'm happy I conquered that trigger. I do bring water and hard candy (sugar free if you had RNY). I'm so glad you had the surgery. I know I am glad I had it for myself and don't want to sabotage anything. Enjoy the movie!
   — Muggs

March 19, 2009
My dietician gave me the BEST secret! I already love cottage cheese, but she told me about mixing dry Hidden Valley Ranch BUTTERMILK dressing mix into it. I take a 4 cup container, mix most of a package into it, and let it sit overnight to absorb the flavor, then spoon it into Tupperware Midges up to the one ounce line. Before my surgery, I also went to a large liquor store and bought several packages of "jello shooter" cups - they are exactly one ounce - and I make up little cups of sugar-free jello. Even a small box makes 16 cups, and I snack on them throughout the day. When I'm getting ready to go somewhere, I put three or four of the jello cups in a zip lock, and a Midge or two of cottage cheese all in a very small insulated back with one of those ice thingy's, and a baby spoon. That way, I don't feel cheated.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 19, 2009
I take water with crystal light. You can take SF Jello, Vienna Wieners, or yogart.
   — texasweb

March 19, 2009
since you are so early out, and snacking is a no-no I would take hard sugar free candy, as that counts as a liquid. other than that, your fluids is all I can think of. Good luck and God Bless, Hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

March 19, 2009
Try making a protein shake and add some ice to it and even some SF flavored syrup (I LOVE SF Hazelnut w/ a chocoate Carnation Instant Breakfast made with skim milk.. so rich!) and then blend it altogether in a blender. It'll be like drinking a Frappucino from Starbucks, minus the guilt and +protein! I do these all the time when making protein shakes, I just save old Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks plastic cups and pour them in there. No one knows I'm being Bariatric friendly and just seeing the reassuring little Starbucks cup makes me feel like it's even a treat for myself!
   — kelbeth83

March 20, 2009
   — rks106403

March 20, 2009
Last time I went to the movies I got a couple sugar-free truffles from a nearby candy store and took those in with me. I ate one of them and it made me feel so gross that I never did eat the other one. I just chew gum when I am at the movies ... Keeps my mouth busy and I don't think about eating.
   — lauren_marie

March 20, 2009
My thought is this. How do any of you get away with taking other food/drinks into the movie theater. Where I am from, if you are caught taking anything into the movie theater, you are kicked out. I have tried to reason with them and am still working on them becoming bariactric friendly, but the future seems pretty bleak. I usually get a bottle of water from the stand and then ask for a small water cup and my husband orders a small plain popcorn. I then fill the water cup with popcorn and munch on one kernal at a time. It may not be the best thing in the word, but we are not suppose to have candy of any kind either - including sugar free. I asked this post sometime ago from fellow OH people and royally got chewed out for even thinking of eating sugar free candy with empty calories. At least the popcorn has just a little bit of fiber and a tiny bit of nutrition. I really can't say what the best answer is to this question as everyone is so different and these are only our opinions. The best thing would be to talk to your doctor/nutritionist.
   — Teresa J.

March 20, 2009
I agree with Theresa that the best thing is to talk with your nutritionist and follow their guidance. There is no one right or wrong way to address the issues of our eating, but we all have to address them. I am just starting this journey (lap-RNY was March 9th) but one thing I'm gaining in reading peoples posts are issues that I will have to address. Like popcorn at the movies. No matter what I decide to do that is an eating issue that needs to be addressed. There are so many situations like that. In the past my main technique was to shove as much popcorn in my face as I could. (Extra butter and the largest size they had since that was more cost effective!!) Obviously different surgeons and different nutritionists give different advice. They are reccomending what has worked for the majority of their patients. It may not work for you but I would definately start with their advice. Hang in there. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

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