Does everyone that has the gastric bypass have to get Reconstructive Surgery????

   — brmoment (posted on March 18, 2009)

March 18, 2009
   — nursenut

March 18, 2009
It's a personal preference. Sometimes a medically needed reason. Personally, I do not need it. Body snapped back pretty well.
   — jammerz

March 18, 2009
I don't think so. I am 10.5 months out and have lost 117 pounds. As long as I wear clothes, I am fine:) I don't think that I could afford it, I am 60 years old and why bother? I am blessed to not have rashes or other problems and I don't plan on wearing a two-piece bathing suit! My health issues are the reason I had gastric bypass and they are GONE!!! Good luck! Rena RNY @ Duke current 110 lbs (5'1"); lost 117 lbs forever!!
   — RenaMansi

March 18, 2009
No...I was prepared to though if I had a lot of excess skin...I had a huge belly in a size 32 (which were tight) and now I wear a 8-10 jeans...and I never would have thought my skin would go back but it did fairly nicely! WHY? WHO KNOWS???? Dumb luck and a whole TON of swimming my butt off and working on building muscles!
   — .Anita R.

March 19, 2009
I do not think "YOU HAVE TO" I am recently looking into it because even after loosing 140 pounds I still am having back pain and I need a breast reduction I have a lot of stomache skin also My skin at times gets sores under neith I am going to persue this for health reasons everything is going great besides the back pain Best of Luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 19, 2009
It's a personal choice or a necessary one if you are have rash issues. I feel my stomach is part of my story and choose not to have any surgery.
   — Muggs

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