Gall Bladder v. RNY

My doctor told me that the RNY is less painful than having your gall bladder taken out. I had my gall bladder taken out & managed the pain without medicine. I have a high tolerance for pain (had both my kids natural). Is there anyone out there that had their gall bladder taken out prior to RNY & can compare both pains (gall bladder & RNY). Which one was more painful for you.    — Ruth M. (posted on January 28, 2009)

January 28, 2009
I had gallbladder, appendix, adhesions and a cyst taken out. RNY was a walk in the park! Hope that helps.
   — jammerz

January 28, 2009
I have not had my gallbladder out but I did have 3 c-sections, RNY and a tummy tuck. The RNY was super easy recovery. More discomfort than pain.
   — Carlyn M.

January 28, 2009
I had my gallbladder removed about 15 years ago and I had RNY surgery on 12/30/2008. They are much alike in that they pump lots of air into your abdominal cavity and that is where the pain comes from. And no meds can relieve the gas pain, you have to walk it out. I was fine, once I got the gas pains under control and the same was with my gallbladder surgery. So, you will do fine. Good luck and my prayers will be with you. - Teresa
   — tkilpatrick

January 28, 2009
I have had both done Laprscopically (sorry about the I think the RNY was possibly less painful, but both quite manageable (for me with a sm amount of pain med) I was pleasantly surprised because I expected the RNY to be more painful. Good Luck on your surgery Vicki
   — angelvh2

January 28, 2009
I had my gallbladder removed lapriscopically (sp?) in July 2007 and rny lapriscopically (sp?) in July 2008; there wasn't much pain in either case. I was back at work in both cases after taking about a week off. My back hurt more than anything else because the hospital bed was so uncomfortable! LOL To compare the different pains I would say they were about the same, but definitely managable and not a big deal for either of them. Good luck!
   — dnefews

January 28, 2009
I had my gallbladder out in 1985 or so. I had a 5% chance of living through the surgery. I was in China when I became ill with my gallbladder, and the Chinese doctors poisoned me with their "medicines." The airlines allowed me to fly home even though I was so very, very ill. I did survive the surgery, but it took me 5 months before I could even walk 10 feet I was so weak. My gallbladder had died years before and I was having "silent" attacks before a huge gallstone got stuck and I became a medical-emergency. But, look at me now! I was in the hospital 7 days with my RNY, and slowly recovered. Again, look at me now! I am vital. I am alive! I am full of energy and enjoying living each and every day. Those gallstones? I had 6 the size of nickles. I still have them and am thinking of having them polished, turning them into a necklace to wear. My RNY was a walk-in-the-park compared with my gallbladder event. I may have been in the hospital for 7 days but my pain was very manageable with liquid Oxycotin or however it is spelled. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OH Life Coach in training, & OH WLS Support Group Leader
   — Christine Gibson

January 28, 2009
You are gonna be fine! I had open RNY which I must say was quite painful...When I hear how fast people recover from Lap RNY...I am amazed...envious even!! I had an ovarain tumor removed and anytime they cut thru muscles in the stomach it is quite painful. Both my "open" surgeries were equally as painful...Laproscopic surgeries take the brunt of all that pain by not having to cut thru muscles!
   — .Anita R.

January 28, 2009
I had my gaalbladder removed in 2003 and lap RNY in 2006. The first surgery was more painful but in both cases I had a quick recovery wich helped. Everyone is different. My advice to you is follow the doctor's orders to a tee and always take your pain meds as prescribed. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

January 28, 2009
I've had both.... RNY is a breeze!
   — pattschiele

January 28, 2009
I too had my gall bladder taken out a year before surgery and a c-section 2 years before, I was most definately in more pain from those than having RNY. I was shocked. But you do have to remember everyone is different. The best thing I would say is plan for the worst so when its a breeze you can laugh about it. Good luck and God Bless.
   — mother2mykids

January 28, 2009
I had both-both laproscopically. Gall bladder was almost a non-issue. I felt OK even right after surgery and recovery was quick and painless, although a bit uncomfortable at times. Before my RNY I had heard what your doc told you-that the pain is less than with gall bladder surgery-so I thought-I'll breeze through this one too. WRONG! When I woke up from surgery I was in the worst pain I had ever felt. (and I have a high pain tolerance) The rest of that day and night was very painful, especially when they got me up to walk. Pain meds didn't seem to do a whole lot for me. The next day was considerably better and by the time I went home on the third day the pain was very manageable with liquid tylenol. I was able to care for myself (I am single)from the day I got home. It took about a month before the port sites were no longer tender.
   — Kristi K.

January 29, 2009
I've had several surgeries including a couple that were abdominal. The RNY was way easier than any of them. I got out of surgery at 5:30 at night and the last medication I took was the next morning, so needless to say it was really easy. I asked my doctor why this was so much easier than my other surgeries and he said that rather than cutting through muscle, he goes through the muscle dividing it with a screw as he goes down, which makes recovery much easier. Therefore, it obviously depends somewhat on your surgeon's technique. Good luck and I really wouldn't worry about it, especially since you have a high tolerance for pain anyway.
   — Andrea F.

January 29, 2009
I had my gallbladder out the old fashioned way- huge incision. I also had a total abdominal hysterectomy. The RNY was definately the easiest of the three!
   — marciamak

January 29, 2009
I had my gallbladder out 12 years before my RNY. I found them to be about the same.
   — Shirley D.

January 29, 2009
i'm 3 days out from rny & 9 mo. out gall bladder same pain in my opinion
   — Melissa C.

February 5, 2009
GALLBLADDER by far the WORST. I had a c-section too, but the first was the worst! RNY is a breeze!!!!!!!!!! GoodLuck !
   — Supermom2008

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