
I am about 20 days out of RNY surgery and i have lost about 8 kilos so far.. the problem is i havent loss weight for a week now.. if the scale is not moving does this mean that i am not losing "weight" or it doesnt matter? Support please    — halahmad (posted on October 2, 2008)

October 2, 2008
I had my RNY on Oct 1, 2002. I lost 160 lbs. Everything takes time. You have to be patient. You didn't put the weight on is a week, it took quite a while to put it on. So be patient. Unless you think you're retaining fluids or anything like that, just be patient. The RNY is not a miracle surgery. Be patient and keep drinking the water. It's important!
   — Karen Stone

October 2, 2008
You are doing great! 8 kilos is 17.6 lbs...That's almost a pound a day! Very nice progress! No numbers on the scale does not mean no weight lost...Pull out a tape measure and you will see that you are losing inches! The weight will catch up. I hope things are looking better for you and you no longer regret that you had the surgery! You seem to be doing very well!
   — .Anita R.

October 2, 2008
Thanks very mushc Anita.. i had a rough time at first i felt that i let my self down by doing this surgery to myself.. thanks again for your support..
   — halahmad

October 2, 2008
I am 4 weeks post Gastric Sleeve today. I haven't lost any weight the last week. The doctor said that is normal - you will have plateaus - and usually 2 to 3 weeks after surgery most people have a plateau. Take measurements, continue to do what the surgeon/NUT says, and it will start coming off again. Be sure you are getting your protein in and drinking enough water! Congrats on the great loss so far! Wendy
   — Wendy M.

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