how long should i wait?
i have a new insurance policy it is about 1 month old, how long should i wait until i go see my ppimary care dr. for a referrel for surgery,, i just didnt want to go to fast with a new insuracnce policy that is just 1 month old..... thanks for the input... — cbryant (posted on November 26, 2007)
November 26, 2007
Consult the new doctor with your new insurance about your health issued to
to obesity. If your insurance requirements are met by your co-morbid
conditions or BGM>40, then the doctor should get you a referral to the
proper doctor to start the process. This process takes several months, and
I would not expect surgery for at least 9 months. SO, no you're not moving
too fast.
— Dave Chambers
November 26, 2007
Most insurance companies require 6 months worth of visits with your primary
in addition to numerous medical testing such as psy visit, EEG, etc. So I
would not wait make an appointment immediately. I took my husband almost a
year to get everything done but he did and he had his surgery 2 weeks ago.
— keren1527
November 26, 2007
First off, check your policy to see if they have a six month weight loss
program process -- since the surgery has become so popular most insurance
companies have written this in as a requirement. It doesn't matter how old
your policy is, you have it the surgery is covered so get started with your
PCP. Is your PCP supportive of your desire to have the surgery and are
they knowledgeable about the insurance company requirements.
Something I tell people who are starting the process -- don't contact the
insurance companies -- let the surgeon's office that is going to perform
the surgery do that. Also check your insurance company website to see if
they have certified any particular obesity clinics. You want to be
knowledgeable about your insurance processes while you go through this.
If your insurance is a PPO -- which means you don't need referrals.
Good luck and stay in touch.
— the7thdean
November 26, 2007
Your policy may require 6 months of visits before the surgery but the day
my insurance became valid, I made an appt. with the surgeon. My insurance
took info from my doctor from the past year so I didn't have to wait the
entire 6 months. I was able to schedule surgery within 3 months so check
your policy and talk with your doctor. Good luck.
November 28, 2007
I also had a new insurance - however I went to the Dr almost right away
just to get the ball rolling. The Dr told me he had to have seen me a
couple times before he could refer me. So the longer you wait to see him -
the longer you might need to wait if you run into the same situation I did.
I have Kaiser insurance and after the few times I saw him, he referred me -
I got into my classes that were 6 months long and today I got my date of
surgery of Dec 10th. Total time from start to finish was about 10 months. I
wish you the best of luck on your journey!
— soxnbitz
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