Has anyone gone from one type of birth control to another and had problems

I had wls surgery Jan 2007. One month before surgery I went from birth control pills to the depo shot. About three months ago I decided to switch from taking the depo shot to start using the patch (I didnt want to be on the deop shot for a long time due to bone loss). Since Ive been on the patch, Ive been having my periods every two weeks. They are heavy and really uncomfortable. I know this sounds nasty, but the output is very black and gooey. I inform my nurse about since I swtich to the patch I was having a period every two weeks and she said that was normal. She said It was just the depo working to get out of my system. Has anyone else had this problem switching birth control? I know I never had this problem with the pill and when I swtich form the pill to the depo shot, I didnt have any of these problems.    — barfiep01 (posted on October 29, 2007)

October 29, 2007
Although I have not had my surgery yet, I did switch contraceptives about 15 months ago. I went from the shot to the pill. I had some wicked heavy periods and a great deal of cramping for the first couple of months, but after that everything went alright. I haven't used the patch so I don't know what you should expect there. I have a question for everyone in regards to this. Will I be able to continue taking my pills even after surgery? I hate the thought of messing up my system, etc.
   — cmbirkey

October 30, 2007
I am still pre-op, but my doctor told me that the patch doesnt work properly for wls patients for at least 18 mos to 2 years because of the change in body chemistey with such a drastic weight loss. I would look into it a bit further.
   — naebrs

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