
Last week I was vacationing in Walt Disney World and my wife and I (who both had wls) were people watching, and we were amazed by the number of people who would be classified as obese or morbidly obese, we wanted to talk to them out of concern but we did not know how to approach them, we know how life changing this was for us, so if we could talk to them about the positives and help them change their health issues, it would be a great thing but we did not know 1)how to approach them and 2) how would we react if they felt that we would be in invading their business, any suggestions?    — Robert-P (posted on August 17, 2007)

August 17, 2007
Although it is tough to resist the urge to share your success with others, I think it would be rude to do so unless the person brings up...I find myself feeling sorry for overweight people and want to give them a card or info on wls! Making the decision for wls is a very personal one and we can be ambassadors but shouldn't get directly involved unless the timing is right to do so. Good luck with your successes!
   — Sheri A.

August 17, 2007
Personally, if it were I being aproached by someone in that way, I would be offended. Think back to when you were obese. You knew it, didn't you? And, sonmeone else pointing it out to you would not have ben appreciated by you or your wife. Someone, especially a stranger, aproaching you and putting your weight "in your face" so to speak could lead to heated confrontations and nowadays, people can get pretty violen at the slightest provocation. I think your heart is in the right place but aI think, like the other poster said, this is a personal decision and is one a person has to come to on their own. Good luck and God bless, Lynn
   — Lynn W.

August 17, 2007
Your on the right path. perhaps a simple conversation starter such as nice day, or a genuine compliment to start a conversation. let the spirit guide you and your oppurtunities to share will come naturally. People are people and some are just waiting for oppurtunities to change their live, you may very well be someone's angel in disquise. Being very loving and caring will serve you just fine, patience is the order of the day. God bless you. Brian
   — johndough

August 17, 2007
I agree with you in that I would LOVE to tell people about the life changing effects of surgery, on the other hand, I think it would NOT be well received. What I find myself doing is saying a short prayer for people and then if the opportunity arises and I have the chance to share my experience with others, then I do. Bu I ONLY share my own experience and never get "preachy" toward them. Believe me, EVEYONE out there knows that WLS is an option, but many people just aren't ready for it yet. If they are interested, they can and will get help when they are ready. I also wish I could convince a few of my friends, but all I can do is set an example. If I keep my weight off and continue to look and feel great, maybe they will eventually get the idea to have the surgery themselves. And never underestimate the power of prayer. My sister is now going to have lapband done after seeing how well it's worked for me! And I have prayed for her to get help.
   — Debra R.

August 17, 2007
If anyone came up to me and said, "boy you sure are a candidate for wls!" I would absolutely tell them to "F" off and beat another 50lbs off your arse! How rude! They know they are obese, and who doesn't know about wls these days? PLEASE, it's as bad as someone who just quit smoking! MYOB
   — LouAB

August 18, 2007
I also know how you feel, and although your heart is in the right place, I think it would be a very bad idea to approach strangers and start conversing about their weight. WLS is such a personal decision, and trying to "educate" people you don't even know.. well... I just think that's a very bad idea, and would only end up causing a lot of bad feelings. If you wore a t-shirt with before/after pics (or something like that) and people stopped and ASKED you how you managed such a transformation, THEN you would be free to talk about it, but that's the only type of scenario I could see where it would not be rude and/or offensive. Best of luck! Marilyn
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 18, 2007
Just say "No!" to yourself and let them enjoy themselves at WDWorld (or wherever) while you enjoy your time. Hopefully nobody will approach you in an unsolicited manner while you are out and start in on you about something you'd rather not discuss with strangers (e.g., YOUR politics, religion, physical appearance, or personal habits like smoking -- or EATING). Anyone who is concerned about their obesity has many resourses (like OH) to draw upon. If they are not concerned, they probably don't want to be preached to by the likes of the rest of us. Live and let live.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 18, 2007
MYOB! People change and have the operation when they want to and not before. WLS is very mainstream now, and surely they are aware of it already. You know that when you are fat, you know you are fat and don't need anyone else to tell you. Do you think therre is really a good way to say, "By the way, I notice you are fat?"
   — Novashannon

August 18, 2007
I don't know about everyone else, but 350lbs I knew I was fat. That was 2 yrs ago as WLS started to get popular. Today you can find it on TV pretty much everyday. Large people know they are large and they know the options out there. I would be approachable not the one who seeks people out to enlighten them. Before WLS I would have been very angry if a perfect stranger approached me about WLS.
   — tazthewiz23

August 18, 2007
After 13 yrs, we are still frustrated like you. If they happen to sit near us, we might say something like, "Do you realize that we wouldn't have fit into these seats at 300# (or before WLS)?" and discuss it JUST loudly enough to be heard, but not intrusively. That has worked a number of times, and we've referred to our docs many, many ppl that way. We also have license plates that invite ppl to ask us questions in parking lots, so we can usually get the topic discussed without it sounding like a pointing finger. My license reads vitaldy, his reads vitaguy, so ppl ask what that means, and we explain that we work with WLS people and in fact, we/I have had it, too. Where I used to carry a booklet, I leave that at home now and just carry the one pic that says it all. Just one "before" and they are spilling over with questions. We still act as if they are asking for a "friend", however. Slowly, gently, let the info infiltrate previously closed thinking.
   — vitalady

August 18, 2007
I agree that WLS is very personal. I've known about it for years and just got banded 8/15/07. I'll still be "'obese" for several months as I lose...I would be hurt if someone approached me.
   — djoiner31

August 18, 2007
Wouldnt' most of us? However, we must remember we were there and think about how we would have felt if someone had come up to us out of the blue and start talking to you regarding WLS. Maybe they've thought about it and looked into it and their insurance company doesn't cover it. I'd have to agree with other posters -- wait for the right time. Maybe partner with an organization to which you belong and hold a meeting entitled Weight Loss Surgery -- Everything you needed to know and was afraid to ask -- Questions answered by Real People, Sharing Real Experiences.
   — the7thdean

August 19, 2007
From experience in doing this, I was sitting in the drs office and this woman started taling about how she dredded seeing the dr and he saying how she needed to lose weight everytime. The lady sitting next to me said she wanted to have weightloss surgery. She said she weighed 288 lbs. I casually said that I had had wls and the other woman had this loo on her face and said "so you too the easy way". I told her no that if others new about the surgery and new what they could about it and did research the myths and falisies would stop some. She said she would not go that way and that she could lose weight if she wanted to, but she did not cause she was fine the way she was. This other woman said fols need to stop trying to sell it to other fols cause they had wls does not mean they want to go through all the hassell and pain and you loo bad after losing the weight. I showed them my before and after pics and the one that did the taling about she could lose weight if she wanted to said I looed better fat. I shut up and then they called my name to go to the nurses station to see my dr. I would never approach others about again unless someone was inquring about it and ased me if they new I had had it done. I feel some people have an ugly way of telling you where you can get off when you mention it to them and they are obese or morbid obese. Do if you want, but responses from some can be ugly at times.
   — mspisces

August 19, 2007
Of course, this is all up to you and your wife to follow through, BUT.... as a large woman I would of been OFFENDED to the core if someone came up to me as a perfect stranger suggesting that I could benefit from WLS. Of course, living in my body I would know that....and for someone to tell me, I would be mortified. Being on the other side of the fence, the grass is certainly greenier and I shout it from the roof tops every chance I get - BUT it's to people who ask, who know me or ask to share. I do not force nor enforce my new happiness and want to help on anyone w/o them asking for me help. I support many people both WLS and non-WLS. I work in advertising and deal with MANY vendors, clients, etc. and having had WLS I have inspired many non-WLS people to lose weight. It's amazing and such a GREAT feeling and I would LOVE to do more to spread the joy, but....again, I would never address someone out of the blue. Having said that; these days I see large women at work and I find myself giving them compliments, "great top", "where did you buy those shoes", "WOW, you look great today" "That's a great color on you" and things like that. I see people giving me looks and since I've lost weight and I beat them to the punch. Maybe, if you decide to move forward, start the conversation with a compliment - that's a remarkable've got such great style....I was larger at one time, too and could never find such stylish clothes. You look awesome. Then, if they ask how you lost the weight, there's your in. Enjoy your vacation. My husband and I people watch a lot too, but we ENJOY me being more energtic and wanting to do more. Take advantage of your new bodies and have fun and focus on you!
   — jammerz

August 19, 2007
You could always have a t-shirt made with large before and afters of yourself and some type of slogan indicating you're willingness to share: WLS - ask me about it! Then people can approach you is they want to!
   — jen41766

August 20, 2007
I pretented to talk to someone about my WLS on a cell phone within earshot of someone I wanted to help once, they then asked me about it. Had they then not said anything to me I would not have say anything.
   — DonnaB.

August 28, 2007
I weigh over 500 pounds and am fully aware that I'm fat and a candidate for wls. I'm also fully aware of wls and am capable of finding information on it, if I were interested. Before you lost weight, did you enjoy people commenting on your food choices and suggesting that you joing Weight Watchers? It's intrusive and offensive. Fat people are never allowed to forget that they're fat. Having a former fat person preach the virtues of weight loss isn't something any of us need.
   — dorkyfatgrrrl

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