I have been disagnosed with having Pityiasis Rosea, a skin rash.

Has anyone else experienced this skin rash before? My dermatologist tells me that it could last as long as 6 weeks and my surgery is in exactly 6 weeks. I am so scared that I will get there for sugery and the doctor will call it off because the rash covers most of my body. I am totally freaking out!    — dre_1974 (posted on May 19, 2007)

May 19, 2007
Hi, I never heard of the skin rash but I looked it up on which is a very reliable site for checking out diseases, etc. It seems to be a common rash. Here is what they say: " Pityriasis rosea is a common skin condition in children and young adults. It usually begins as one large spot on your chest, abdomen or back and then spreads. The rash of pityriasis rosea often sweeps out from the middle of the body, and its shape resembles drooping pine-tree branches. Although pityriasis rosea has a distinctive appearance once the rash appears, in its early stages you may confuse pityriasis rosea with other skin disorders, such as ringworm or eczema. The cause of pityriasis rosea is unclear, but it may be the result of a virus. Pityriasis rosea usually goes away on its own within six to eight weeks. In the meantime, you can take steps to relieve the discomfort." You will probably be okay. Read more at "" and take Aveeno baths for comfort, Good Luck. Loretta L.
   — lawrenln88

May 20, 2007
Andrea-- Your best move-- Call your surgeon and ask them!!!
   — tynkris

May 20, 2007
Andrea - I had this last year. Totally freaked me out! I didn't know what the heck was wrong with me. It itched so bad - even Benadryl didn't help. Doc gave me some prescription antihistimine and some steriod cream to give me some relief. It worked. Mine lasted 4 weeks. I don't think the doc will call off the surgery because the duration is 4-6 weeks and you will be at the tail end of the rash. It is not contaigous. Its just one of those annoying rashes that no one knows why we get - virus, bug bite - the answers aren't really clear. Mayo Clinic and Web MD have some pretty good info. Kathy
   — Kathy

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